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[资料] VHDL程序24小时

发表于 2010-5-17 00:17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity digital_clock is

reset,clk: in std_logic;

hour,minitue,second: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

hex0,hex1,hex2,hex3,hex4,hex5: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0));
end digital_clock;
architecture one of digital_clock is
signal clk_count: std_logic_vector(22 downto 0);
signal clkm: std_logic;
signal second1,second2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal minitue1,minitue2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal hour1,hour2: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
hour(7 downto 0) <= hour2(3 downto 0) & hour1 (3 downto 0);
minitue(7 downto 0) <= minitue2(3 downto 0) & minitue1(3 downto 0);
second(7 downto 0) <= second2(3 downto 0) & second1(3 downto 0);

if (clk'event and clk ='1') then

clk_count <= clk_count + 1;

end if;
end process;
clkm <= clk_count(22);

hour2 <= "0000";hour1<="0000";minitue2 <="0000"; minitue1 <="0000"; second2<="0000"; second1<="0000";

elsif (clkm'event and clkm='1') then

if (hour2 = "0101" and hour1 ="1001" and minitue2 ="0101" and minitue1 ="1001" and second2 ="0101" and second1 ="1001")then

hour2 <= "0000"; hour1 <= "0000"; minitue2 <="0000"; minitue1 <="0000"; second2<="0000"; second1<="0000";

elsif(hour1 ="1001" and minitue2 ="0101" and minitue1 ="1001" and second2 ="0101" and second1 ="1001")then

hour2 <= hour2 +1;hour1 <= "0000";minitue2 <="0000";minitue1 <="0000";second2<="0000";second1<="0000";

elsif(minitue2 ="0101" and minitue1 ="1001" and second2 ="0101" and second1 ="1001")then

hour1 <= hour1 +1;minitue2 <="0000";minitue1 <="0000";second2<="0000";second1<="0000";

elsif(minitue1 ="1001" and second2 ="0101" and second1 ="1001")then

minitue2 <=minitue2 +1;minitue1 <="0000";second2<="0000";second1<="0000";

elsif(second2 ="0101" and second1 ="1001")then

minitue1 <=minitue1 +1;second2<="0000";second1<="0000";

elsif(second1 ="1001")then

second2 <= second2 +1;second1 <= "0000";


second1 <= second1 +1;

end if;

end if;
end process;

case second1(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when "0110" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0000010";

when "0111" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="1111000";

when "1000" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0000000";

when "1001" => hex0(6 downto 0) <="0010000";

when others => hex0(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;

case second2(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex1(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when others => hex1(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;

case minitue1(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when "0110" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0000010";

when "0111" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="1111000";

when "1000" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0000000";

when "1001" => hex2(6 downto 0) <="0010000";

when others => hex2(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;

case minitue2(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex3(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when others => hex3(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;

case hour1(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when "0110" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0000010";

when "0111" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="1111000";

when "1000" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0000000";

when "1001" => hex4(6 downto 0) <="0010000";

when others => hex4(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;

case hour2(3 downto 0) is

when "0000" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

when "0001" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="1111001";

when "0010" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="0100100";

when "0011" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="0110000";

when "0100" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="0011001";

when "0101" => hex5(6 downto 0) <="0010010";

when others => hex5(6 downto 0) <="1000000";

end case;
end process;
end one;
发表于 2011-1-3 22:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-4 14:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
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