a 1.3v 20os time to digital converter
A Digital-to-RF-Amplitude Converter for GSM-GPRS-EDGE in 90nm Digital CMOS
A First Digitally-Controlled Oscillator in a Deep-Submicron CMOS Process for Multi-GHz Wireless Applications
A First RF Digitally-Controlled Oscillator for Mobile Phones
A First RF Digitally-Controlled Oscillator for SAW-less TX in Cellular Systems
A GSM-GPRS Receiver front-end with discrete-time filters in a 90nm Digital CMOS
All-Digital PLL and Transmitter for Mobile Phones
All-Digital PLL with Ultra Fast Settling
All-Digital PLL with Variable Loop Type Characteristics
All-Ditial PLL with Ultra Fast Acquisition
Built-in Self Testing (BIST) of RF Performance in a System-on-Chip (SOC)
Built-in Self Testing of a DRP-Based GSM Transmitter
CAS2005_Direct Frequency Modulation of an ADPLL for Bluetooth-GSM with Injection Pulling Elimination
CAS2006_1.3V 20ps Time-to-Digital Converter for Frequency Synthesis in 90nm CMOS
CAS2006_LMS-Based Calibration of an RF Digitally Controlled Oscillator for Mobile Phones
CICC2005_A Discrete Time Quad-band GSM-GPRS Receiver in a 90nm Digital CMOS Porcess
CICC2005_Characterization of Deep-Submicron Varactor Mismatches in a Digitally Controlled Oscillator
CICC2006_Digital RF Processor Techniques for Signle-Chip Radios(Invited)
CICC2006_Digital Signal Processing for RF at 45nm CMOS and Beyond
CICC2006_Quad Band Digitally Controlled Oscillator for WCDMA Transmitter in 90nm CMOS
CICC2007_Time-Domain Modeling of a Phase-Domain All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop for RF Applications
Curse of Digital Polar Transmission -- Precise Delay Alignment in Amplitude and Phase Modulation Paths
Digital RF Porcessing Techniques for Device Mismatch Tolerant Transmitters in Nanometer-Scale CMOS
Digital RF Processing Toward Low-Cost Reconfigurable Radios
Digital RF processor (DRP) for Cellular Phones
Digital RF processor (DRP) for Cellular Radios
Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO)-Based Architecture for RF Frequency Synthesis in a Deep-Submicrometer CMOS Process
Direct RF Sampling Mixer with Recursive Filtering in Charge Domain
DSP-coupled 2.4GHz RF Transmitter in 130nm CMOS
Event-Driven Simulation and Modeling of an RF Oscillator
Fully-Integrated CMOS RF Transceivers
Harmonic Characterization of Mismatches in Deep Sub-micron Varactors for a Digitally Controlled RF Oscillator
High-Speed Digital Circuits for A 2.4GHz All-Digital RF Frequency Synthesizer in 130nm CMOS
Implementation of a High Speed Digital Band-Pass Sigma-Delta Modulator for a Wireless Transmitter
Interpolative Pulse-Shape Filtering for a GSM-Bluetooth Transmitter
R. Bogdan Staszewski论文集。现在他去了荷兰代尔夫特大学,前不久聆听了他的讲座。 ADPLL.part1.rar(3.81 MB, 下载次数: 1323 )