发表于 2006-12-19 09:13:01
I recently purchased both this book and the book "Switchmode Power Supply Handbook" by Keith Billings. My knowledge of switching power supplies had mainly come from datasheets and app notes from National Semiconductors and IRF.
I reccomend Switching Power Supply Design to anyone who wants to learn power supplies. The intended scope between the two books can be seen from the ways the chapters are arranged. in SPSD, the book starts with a small section on linear supplies, then moves into basic switching supplies, then into more advanced supplies.
This is in contrast to SPSH, which starts with the input filtering and conditioning and such for an off-line power supply, then moves toward practical off-line topologies, then finally discusses the basic "buck" converter later for the purpose of regulation.
if you are making the choice between this book, and switchmode power supply handbook, i'd choose this book |