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[资料] Devi Ahilya-Embedded System 课程讲义

发表于 2009-12-24 17:22:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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此乃印度 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya 大学有关Embedded System 的教学课程讲义, 内容涵盖嵌入式系统的介绍, 8051结构简介, 平口与串口总线简介, 不同IO(程控与ISR), 事件流程优先排序, 不同的RTOS(uC/OS-II, VxWorks, WinCE, Real Time Linux)等介绍与其应用, 最后是开发与调试环境与工具介绍 - 是很详细的嵌入式系统入门课程 (英文内容) - 附上课程介绍以供参考:

Course Outline:

Embedded System General Overview & Introduction
Chap01Lesson_1EmsysNew - Embedded Systems Introduction
Chap01Lesson_2EmsysNew - Processor in Embedded System
Chap01Lesson_3EmsysNew - Hardware Elements in Embedded System
Chap01Lesson_4EmsysNew - Software for Embedded System Part I
Chap01Lesson_5EmsysNew - Software for Embedded System Part II
Chap01Lesson_6EmsysNew - Examples of Embedded System
Chap01Lesson_7EmsysNew - System-On-Chip and VLSI Circuit Design Technology
Chap01Lesson_8EmsysNew - Design Process and Metric for Embedded System
Chap01Lesson_9EmsysNew - Challenges - Optimising Design Metrics and Formalisation System Design
Chap01Lesson_10EmsysNew - Design Process Examples - Vending Machine, Smart Card, Digital Camera
Chap01Lesson_11EmsysNew - Design Process Examples - Mobile Phone, Mobile Computer, Robotics
Chap01Lesson_12EmsysNew - Classification and Development Skills Requirements for Embedded System

8051 Architectural Overview
Chap_2Lesson01EmsysNew - 8051 Architecture and Instruction Set
Chap_2Lesson02EmsysNew - 8051 IO Ports, Cricuits, Programming and External Memory Circuit
Chap_2Lesson03EmsysNew - 8051 Counters and Timers
Chap_2Lesson04EmsysNew - 8051 Serial Data Communication IO
Chap_2Lesson05EmsysNew - 8051 Hardware Interrupts
Chap_2Lesson06EmsysNew - 8051 Real World Interfacing Part I
Chap_2Lesson07EmsysNew - 8051 Real World Interfacing Part II
Chap_2Lesson08EmsysNew - 8051 Bus Arbitration Mechanism
Chap_2Lesson09EmsysNew - 8051 Interfacing with Keyboards, DA, AD Converters
Chap_2Lesson10EmsysNew - 8051 Processor Organization
Chap_2Lesson11EmsysNew - 80x86 Architecture
Chap_2Lesson12EmsysNew - ARM
Chap_2Lesson13EmsysNew - ARM Instruction Set
Chap_2Lesson14EmsysNew - SHARC & TigerSHARC
Chap_2Lesson15EmsysNew - DSPs
Chap_2Lesson16EmsysNew - Processor Organization and Performance Metrics
Chap_2Lesson17EmsysNew - Memory Organization and Types of Memory
Chap_2Lesson18EmsysNew - Memory Allocation and Memory Map
Chap_2Lesson19EmsysNew - Processor, Micro-Controller Selection
Chap_3Lesson01EmsysNew - Serial and Parallel IO Ports
Chap_3Lesson02EmsysNew - Ports or Devices Communication and Protocol
Chap_3Lesson03EmsysNew - Exemplary Protocol - HDLC
Chap_3Lesson04EmsysNew - RS232 and UART Communication
Chap_3Lesson05EmsysNew - SPI, SCI, SI, SDIO Ports for Serial Data Communication

Parallel & Serial IO
Chap_3Lesson06EmsysNew - Parallel Ports at Devices
Chap_3Lesson07EmsysNew - Parallel Ports Interfacing with Switches, Keyboards, Rotary Encoders
Chap_3Lesson08EmsysNew - Parallel Ports Interfacing with Stepper Motor
Chap_3Lesson09EmsysNew - Parallel Ports Interfacing with LCD Controller
Chap_3Lesson10EmsysNew - Parallel Ports Interfacing with Touch Screen
Chap_3Lesson11EmsysNew - Sophisticated Interfacing with Device Ports
Chap_3Lesson12EmsysNew - Wireless Devices
Chap_3Lesson13EmsysNew - Timing and Counting Devices
Chap_3Lesson14EmsysNew - Software Timing
Chap_3Lesson15EmsysNew - Watchdog Timing
Chap_3Lesson16EmsysNew - Real Time Clock
Chap_3Lesson17EmsysNew - Networked Embedded System
Chap_3Lesson18EmsysNew - Serial Bus Communication Protocol - I2C
Chap_3Lesson19EmsysNew - Serial Bus Communication Protocol - CAN
Chap_3Lesson20EmsysNew - Serial Bus Communication Protocol - USB
Chap_3Lesson21EmsysNew - Serial Bus Communication Protocol - IEEE1394 Firewire
Chap_3Lesson22EmsysNew - Parallel Bus Device Protocol - PCI Bus
Chap_3Lesson23EmsysNew - Parallel Bus Device Protocol - ARM Bus
Chap_3Lesson24EmsysNew - Internet Enabled System Network Protocols
Chap_3Lesson25EmsysNew - Ethernet Protocol
Chap_3Lesson26EmsysNew - Wireless & Mobile System Protocol - IrDA
Chap_3Lesson27EmsysNew- Wireless & Mobile System Protocol - Bluetooth
Chap_3Lesson28EmsysNew - Wireless & Mobile System Protocol - IEEE802.11 WLAN
Chap_3Lesson29EmsysNew - Wireless & Mobile System Protocol - Zigbee

Programmed IO vs. Interrupt Service Routine
Chap_4Lesson01EmsysNew - Programmed IO for Ports & Devices; Need for Interrupts Driven IO
Chap_4Lesson02EmsysNew - Interrupt & Interrupt Service Routine Concepts
Chap_4Lesson03EmsysNew - Software Interrupts& Interrupt Service Routine
Chap_4Lesson04EmsysNew - Interrupt Service Threads
Chap_4Lesson05EmsysNew - Device Driver
Chap_4Lesson06EmsysNew - Interrupt Sources
Chap_4Lesson07EmsysNew - Interrupt Vectors Mechanism
Chap_4Lesson08EmsysNew - Masking Interrupt Sources and Interrupt Status, Pending Mechanism
Chap_4Lesson09EmsysNew - Multiple Interrupt Sources and Prorities Mechanism
Chap_4Lesson10EmsysNew - Context, Context Switching and Interrupt Latency
Chap_4Lesson11EmsysNew - Interrupt Latency and Service Deadline
Chap_4Lesson12EmsysNew - DMA Direct Memory Access
Chap_4Lesson13EmsysNew - Device Drivers and Interrupts Service Mechanism
Chap_4Lesson14EmsysNew - Devices Types, Physical and Virtual Devices

C, C++ & Java Programming in Embedded System
Chap_5Lesson01EmsysNew - Programming Elements and Programming in C
Chap_5Lesson02EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Structure - Arrays
Chap_5Lesson03EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Stucture - Queues, Pipes and Sockets
Chap_5Lesson04EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Structure - Stacks
Chap_5Lesson05EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Structure - Tables
Chap_5Lesson06EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Structure - Lists
Chap_5Lesson07EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Data Structure - Trees
Chap_5Lesson08EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Programming using Function& Queues
Chap_5Lesson09EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Programming using Events & Messages Polling
Chap_5Lesson10EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Object Oriented Programming and C
Chap_5Lesson11EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - Java
Chap_5Lesson12EmsysNew - C, C++ and Java - J2ME and JavaCard

Programming Models
Chap_6Lesson1EmsysNew - Program Models
Chap_6Lesson2EmsysNew - Data Flow Graph Model
Chap_6Lesson3EmsysNew - Control Data Flow Graph Model
Chap_6Lesson4EmsysNew - Synchronous Data Flow Graph Model
Chap_6Lesson6EmsysNew - FSM State Table and Its Application
Chap_6Lesson7EmsysNew - Modeling of Multiprocessor System
Chap_6Lesson8EmsysNew - Modeling Using Graphs in Multiprocessor System

Process, Thread, Task & Scheduling
Chap_7Lesson01EmsysNew - Process
Chap_7Lesson02EmsysNew - Thread
Chap_7Lesson03EmsysNew - Task
Chap_7Lesson04EmsysNew - TaskData, TCB and Characteristics
Chap_7Lesson05EmsysNew- Function, Task, ISR
Chap_7Lesson06EmsysNew - Semaphores as Event Signalling
Chap_7Lesson07EmsysNew - Semaphores as Source Keys
Chap_7Lesson08EmsysNew - Multiple and Counting Semaphores as Source Keys
Chap_7Lesson09EmsysNew - P & V Semaphores
Chap_7Lesson10EmsysNew - Shared Data Between Processes Using Inter-Processes Communication
Chap_7Lesson11EmsysNew - Priority Inversion Problems and Deadlock Situation
Chap_7Lesson12EmsysNew - Inter-Process Communication
Chap_7Lesson12EmsysNew - Signal Function
Chap_7Lesson13EmsysNew - Semaphores
Chap_7Lesson14EmsysNew - Mutex, Lock and Spin Lock Functions
Chap_7Lesson15EmsysNew - Queue
Chap_7Lesson16EmsysNew - Mailbox
Chap_7Lesson17EmsysNew - Pipe
Chap_7Lesson18EmsysNew - Socket
Chap_7Lesson19EmsysNew - RPC

Real Time Operating System
Chap_8Lesson01EmsysNew - Operating System Services Goals, Modes and Structures
Chap_8Lesson02EmsysNew - Process Management
Chap_8Lesson03EmsysNew - Timer Function
Chap_8Lesson04EmsysNew - Event Function
Chap_8Lesson05EmsysNew - Memory Management Function
Chap_8Lesson06EmsysNew - Device Management Functions
Chap_8Lesson07EmsysNew - File Sys Organization and Implementation
Chap_8Lesson08EmsysNew - IO Subsystem
Chap_8Lesson09EmsysNew - ISR Handling in RTOS
Chap_8Lesson10EmsysNew - RTOS Introduction
Chap_8Lesson11EmsysNew - BasicDesign Using RTOS
Chap_8Lesson12EmsysNew - RTOS Based Ssytem Design Principles
Chap_8Lesson13EmsysNew - Hard and Soft Real Time Design Considerations
Chap_8Lesson14EmsysNew - Memory Optimization
Chap_8Lesson15EmsysNew - Power Optimization
Chap_8Lesson16EmsysNew - Tasks Scheduling Cooperative Model
Chap_8Lesson17EmsysNew - Tasks Cyclic Scheduling for Periodic Tasks
Chap_8Lesson18EmsysNew - Round Robin Time Slicing of Tasks of Equal Priority
Chap_8Lesson19EmsysNew - Preemptive Tasks Scheduling
Chap_8Lesson20EmsysNew - Models for Preemptive Scheduling
Chap_8Lesson21EmsysNew - Critical Section Handling
Chap_8Lesson22EmsysNew - Other Scheduling Methods
Chap_8Lesson23EmsysNew -  Performance Metrics
Chap_8Lesson24EmsysNew - OS Security Issues

uC/OS-II, VxWorks - 2 Types of RTOSes
Chap_9Lesson01EmsysNew - RTOSes
Chap_9Lesson02EmsysNew - uCOSII
Chap_9Lesson03EmsysNew - uCOSII System Level and Tasks Functions
Chap_9Lesson04EmsysNew - uCOSII Time Set, Get and Delay
Chap_9Lesson05EmsysNew - uCOSII Memory Functions
Chap_9Lesson06EmsysNew - uCOSII Semaphores Functions
Chap_9Lesson07EmsysNew - uCOSII Mailbox IPC Functions
Chap_9Lesson08EmsysNew - uCOSII Queue IPC Functions
Chap_9Lesson09EmsysNew - Basic RTOS Functions in VxWorks
Chap_9Lesson10EmsysNew - VxWorks for System Time, Watchdog Timer, Interrupts and Tasks Servicing
Chap_9Lesson11EmsysNew - VxWorks Signal & Semaphores Functions
Chap_9Lesson12EmsysNew - VxWorks Functions For Queue
Chap_9Lesson13EmsysNew - VxWorks Functions For Pipe Devices

WinCE, RT Linux - another 2 Types of RTOSes
Chap_10Lesson01EmsysNew - WinCE Features
Chap_10Lesson02EmsysNew - WinCE Programming
Chap_10Lesson03EmsysNew - Windows and Memory Management
Chap_10Lesson04EmsysNew - File, Registry and Databases for Storing Data
Chap_10Lesson06EmsysNew - WinCE Exceptions, Notification and IPC Objects
Chap_10Lesson07EmsysNew - WinCE Handling of Inputs from Keys, Touch Screen and Mouse
Chap_10Lesson08EmsysNew - WinCE Controls and Menus
Chap_10Lesson09EmsysNew - WinCE Serial Commmunication, Network, Device-to-Device Sockets and Communication Functions
Chap_10Lesson10EmsysNew - Win32 APIs and Windows Creating
Chap_10Lesson11EmsysNew - Automobile Application and OSEK
Chap_10Lesson12EmsysNew - Real Time Linux
Chap_10Lesson13EmsysNew - RT Linux

Embedded System Applications - Case Studies
Chap_11Lesson01EmsysNew - Case Study - ACVM using uCOSII RTOS
Chap_11Lesson02EmsysNew - Case Study - Digital Camera Hardware and Software Architecture
Chap_11Lesson03EmsysNew - Case Study - TCP-IP Networking Using VxWorks
Chap_12Lesson01EmsysNew - Case Study - Inter-Robot Communication
Chap_12Lesson02EmsysNew - Case Study - Adaptive Cruise Control in a Car
Chap_12Lesson03EmsysNew - Case Study - SmartCard
Chap_12Lesson04EmsysNew - Case Study - SMS Create in Mobile Phone

Embedded Software Development Environment, Processes & Tools
Chap_13Lesson01EmsysNew - Introduction to Embedded Software Development Process and Tools
Chap_13Lesson02EmsysNew - IDE Integrated Development Environment
Chap_13Lesson03EmsysNew - Host & Target Machines
Chap_13Lesson04EmsysNew - Linking and Locating Software
Chap_13Lesson05EmsysNew - Getting Embedded Software into the Target System using Device Programmer
Chap_13Lesson06EmsysNew - Issues Hardware and Software Design and Co-Design

Developing, Simulating, Testing, Validating Embedded Systems
Chap_14Lesson01EmsysNew - Testing on Host Machine
Chap_14Lesson02EmsysNew - Simulator
Chap_14Lesson03EmsysNew - Laboratory Tools
Chap_14Lesson04EmsysNew - In-Circuit Emulator
Chap_14Lesson05EmsysNew - Monitor


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 17:32:29 | 显示全部楼层
chapter 3 - 7


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-24 17:52:07 | 显示全部楼层
之前因发送错误,只含Chapter 3, 现将Chapter 4-14上传.


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xie xie
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