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Built-In-Selft-Test (BIST) is one ofmost popular test solutions to test the embedded cores in a chip. The BISTcircuit can generate pseudo random test patterns to test these embedded coreswithout using expensive Automatic Test Equipments (ATEs). On the other way, ifyou have test vectors which are generated by the test generator, you can designa pseudo random pattern generator suitable for hitting these test vectors inshort time. In this subject, try to write a program to create the pseudo randompattern generator, performed by Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs), forhitting the generated test vectors. The output of LFSRs can be rearrangedbefore feeding to the input of Core Under Test (CUT). The lengths of LFSRs andthe numbers of LFSRs are no limit. In the vectors generation procedure, theseeds of LFSRs can be changed for the purpose of saving BIST time.