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module hwdzq
( input g_clk,auto,
output reg [6:0] code,
output reg high,spks
wire [7:0] index;
reg [11:0] tone0;
assign index=q;
tone tone1(
reg m4_clk;
speaker speaker1(
reg [7:0] index0;
wire m4_clk1;
assign m4_clk1=m4_clk;
automusic automusic1(
wire [7:0] index5;
wire [7:0]data;
wire we;
reg [7:0] q;
assign we=1'b0;
assign data=8'd0;
assign index5=index0;
qumu2 qumu21(
Error (10663): Verilog HDL Port Connection error at hwdzq.v(27): output or inout port "high" must be connected to a structural net expression
Error (10663): Verilog HDL Port Connection error at hwdzq.v(28): output or inout port "code" must be connected to a structural net expression
Error (10663): Verilog HDL Port Connection error at hwdzq.v(29): output or inout port "tone0" must be connected to a structural net expression
Error: Can't elaborate top-level user hierarchy |