发表于 2009-12-20 13:29:21
一种18 位SAR ADC 的设计实现
孟昊 吴武臣
摘要 本文对逐次逼近型模数转换器(SAR ADC)的结构进行了介绍,并对影响ADC 性能的主要因素加以分析。
的设计。仿真结果表明该设计在120ksps 的采样率下精度可达18 位。
关键词:SARADC 校准 DAC 比较器 失调
18 Bit SAR-A/D Converter Employing Correction Techniques
Abstract This paper describes the architecture of successive-approximation analog-to-digital
converters. Key factors which affect the performance of ADCs are discussed. A digital calibration
methodology based on binary-weighted capacitor array and offset auto-correction technique are
presented, which improve the performance of ADC. The simulation results show that it achieves 18
bits of resolution at 120ksps sampling rate.
Keywords: SARADC, Correction, DAC, Comparator, Offset |