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A novel modelling and optimisation of gain-boosted cascode amplifiers for high speed applications
Ahmadi, M.M.
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2003. ICECS 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 10th IEEE International Conference on
Volume 2, Issue , 14-17 Dec. 2003 Page(s): 683 - 686 Vol.2
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICECS.2003.1301877
Summary: Gain-boosted cascode amplifiers are good choices for power optimized high-speed amplifiers. In this paper, after a comprehensive study on the pole-zero locus and time response, a generic and perfect model is developed for these amplifiers. By the help of this novel modeling method, the optimum parameters for the feedback or auxiliary amplifier are determined, in order to eliminate the well-known slow timing component in the step response and obtain the minimum achievable settling time. The required circuit conditions as well as a straightforward design procedure for realizing the results of the analytic analysis are presented, finally. |