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A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single-Frequency Approach
Paperback: 176 pages
Data: November 9, 2006
Format: PDF
Description:Satellite navigation receivers are used to receive, process, and decodespace-based navigation signals, such as those provided by the GPSconstellation of satellites. There is an increasing need for a unifiedopen platform that will enable enhanced receiver development anddesign, as well as cost-effective testing procedures for variousapplications. This book and companion DVD provide hands-on explorationof new technologies in this rapidly growing field.
One of theunique features of the work is the interactive approach used, givingreaders the ability to construct their own Global Navigation SatelliteSystems (GNSS) receivers. To construct such a reconfigurable receiverwith a wide range of applications, the authors discuss receiverarchitecture based on software-defined radio (SDR) techniques. Thepresentation unfolds in a systematic, user-friendly style and goes fromthe basics to cutting-edge research.
Additional features and topics include:
* Presentation of basic signal structures used in GPS and Galileo, the European satellite navigation system
* Design and implementation of a GPS signal generator
*Presentation and analysis of different methods of signalacquisitionserial search; parallel-frequency space search; andparallel-code phase searchas well as code/carrier tracking andnavigation data decoding
* A complete GPS software receiverimplemented using MATLAB code as well as GPS and GIOVE-A signalrecordsavailable on the companion cross-platform DVD allowing readersto change various parameters and immediately see their effects
* MATLAB-based exercises
*A hands-on method of testing the material covered in the book:supplementary front-end hardware equipmentwhich may be purchased athttp://ccar.colorado.edu/gnssenables readers working on a Windows orLINUX system to generate real-world data by converting analog signalsto digital signals
* Supplementary course material for instructors available at http://gps.aau.dk/softgps
* Bibliography of recent results and comprehensive index
Thebook is aimed at applied mathematicians, electrical engineers,geodesists, and graduate students. It may be used as a textbook invarious GPS technology and signal processing courses, or as aself-study reference for anyone working with satellite navigationreceivers. |