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[转贴] The compatible versions of the ISE software and MATLAB mingxing00 2012-3-12 53897 dshqd 2012-4-20 16:35
[转贴] Verilog HDL 44矩阵键盘驱动程序 attachment cheng_xyd 2010-7-26 61892 mudu86 2012-4-15 09:42
[转贴] FPGA 学习的一些误区 zhanghui7880 2012-2-11 14702 mudu86 2012-2-26 10:18
[转贴] 经典文章--如何写好状态机  ...23 lhpred 2008-7-28 244193 zhangrenzhe001 2012-2-10 22:27
[转贴] 我有微电子-半导体工艺名词大全 attachment tjx257 2011-10-29 82690 kylkzy 2012-2-9 16:46
[转贴] SystemVerilog资料包 Johnny_Cheng 2011-12-25 42329 Johnny_Cheng 2011-12-26 12:05
[转贴] 非常经典的FPGA设计方法论 attachment  ...23 jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-20 244287 waljj 2011-11-24 20:41
[转贴] verilog如何写好状态机  ...234 oli 2008-6-12 307912 lsl_2010 2011-10-26 17:07
[转贴] verilog黄金参考指南中文版 attachment  ...2 lingz2007 2011-7-19 184259 gagmeng 2011-10-16 10:32
[转贴] 在VHDL语言中如何使用LPM库 attachment vikingg 2010-6-12 32058 vikingg 2011-10-12 07:44
[转贴] how to remove undriven cells and Floating Inputs from a Design issvlsipd 2011-10-8 01832 issvlsipd 2011-10-8 20:54
[转贴] 浮点-用FPGA嵌入式处理器实现您的构想 attachment vikingg 2010-5-24 21427 极寒领域 2011-9-26 20:55
[转贴] Advances in Computing, Communication and Control - [阅读权限 5] galaxy786 2011-9-24 038 galaxy786 2011-9-24 21:06
[转贴] 时钟建立和保持分析 attachment vikingg 2010-6-12 42146 vikingg 2011-9-24 11:28
[转贴] FPGA防克隆保护的高性价比方案 attachment vikingg 2010-5-24 31734 vikingg 2011-9-24 11:27
[转贴] FPGA上同步开关噪声的分析 attachment vikingg 2010-5-21 31296 vikingg 2011-9-7 18:21
[转贴] FPGA设计流程简介及设计注意事项.ppt attachment Forever-study 2010-6-11 51975 cmcits 2011-8-11 17:20
[转贴] 中科院半导体所博士学位论文,新型CMOS_折叠流水结构ADC_的研究 attachment  ...23456..35 supper_chen 2010-5-15 34624472 xinlianxin 2011-8-4 15:49
[转贴] Electronics-Verilog.Digital.Design.Synthesis attach_img  ...2 gaconht 2010-11-29 113101 helloverilog 2011-8-4 15:14
[转贴] 运算放大器初学者资料 attachment  ...2 wangxinfree 2011-2-25 133225 caesar_zhang 2011-8-3 10:12
[转贴] Synopsys VCS培训资料 attachment  ...2345 soelife 2010-1-27 458010 hbhdzyj 2011-8-1 12:40
[转贴] 很经典一片sdram的文章 attachment  ...23 fishxl 2010-3-8 294991 qynwhu 2011-7-13 16:45
[转贴] FPGA设计与应用教学课件.ppt attachment Forever-study 2010-6-11 11669 qlengyu 2011-7-12 15:20
[转贴] FPGA设计高级进阶 attachment  ...234 muwu324 2010-9-22 365698 snlj 2011-7-10 08:21
[转贴] SynaptiCAD Product Suite v14.16e  ...23 hi_china59 2010-1-30 293831 hgdllt 2011-7-4 21:51
[转贴] Quartus II design series_timing attachment 半人小马 2011-6-27 22082 waterfly 2011-6-28 10:53
[转贴] FPGA设计的四种常用思想与技巧 attachment  ...2 jingshuizhuxin 2010-12-20 102564 bld 2011-6-20 21:39
[转贴] Altera的FPGA门数计算方法 attachment 半人小马 2011-6-11 11861 shimuzhou 2011-6-17 22:39
[转贴] Another VHDL to Verilog Translator and Verilog to VHDL Translator (SynaptiCAD) attachment eagleice 2011-4-30 52605 gaoxing7 2011-6-1 21:55
[转贴] 毕业论文翻译 attachment djl666djl 2009-12-15 51935 lbpowerljh 2011-5-23 00:00
[转贴] 绝杀片间通信技术_邓旭 attachment  ...2 bbjj123 2011-5-4 113880 maizchen 2011-5-17 15:17
[转贴] altera+nios从入门到精通.pdf yuch1981 2010-1-16 11490 estyzq 2011-4-16 08:58
[转贴] 分享一个Verilog与VHDL互译工具 attachment iamcamera 2011-4-11 02131 iamcamera 2011-4-11 19:29
[转贴] 历届美国Design Con完整论文下载! jjjred 2011-3-12 62486 averyer 2011-3-31 00:18
[转贴] Engineering the Complex SOC  ...23456..14 vanduongbk 2010-2-18 13216366 lydin 2011-3-6 12:46
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