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[转贴] FPGA 学习的一些误区 zhanghui7880 2012-2-11 14703 mudu86 2012-2-26 10:18
[转贴] Xilinx内嵌快存储器的使用 attachment holymelon 2012-1-8 11998 Garnation 2012-8-31 14:46
[转贴] FPGA 时序基础 attachment hgp0117 2012-1-4 31592 fpgall 2012-5-12 21:40
[转贴] FPGA时序精辟讲解 attachment  ...2 hgp0117 2012-1-4 154885 shuzidianlu 2012-9-19 15:29
[转贴] SystemVerilog资料包 Johnny_Cheng 2011-12-25 42329 Johnny_Cheng 2011-12-26 12:05
[转贴] 华为FPGA设计全套资料 Johnny_Cheng 2011-12-25 32241 ls871125 2019-5-30 12:54
[转贴] CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design, Third Edition attachment  ...23456..7 issvlsipd 2011-11-25 6415819 newrfdesign 2020-8-21 12:30
[转贴] 纠正dsp builder效率低的千古奇冤!有图有真相!一个扯蛋的结论!!! attachment 凌峰探梅 2011-11-17 32325 derksyq 2013-6-12 22:12
[转贴] 发个资料吧《使用TIMEQUEST进行简单粗糙的约束》 attachment guantouren 2011-11-10 63750 iNostory 2018-6-12 13:25
[转贴] Linux主要Shell命令详解 attachment  ...23 zhangyiyun 2011-11-8 2110190 cipsa 2014-9-17 09:04
[转贴] 我有微电子-半导体工艺名词大全 attachment tjx257 2011-10-29 82690 kylkzy 2012-2-9 16:46
[转贴] 如何写好状态机 attachment  ...2 qinzhanao 2011-10-28 164645 jw_cai 2018-7-17 20:47
[转贴] 数字VERILOG设计 attachment qinzhanao 2011-10-28 52042 dreamfly123123 2017-12-29 10:18
[转贴] how to remove undriven cells and Floating Inputs from a Design issvlsipd 2011-10-8 01832 issvlsipd 2011-10-8 20:54
[转贴] Advances in Computing, Communication and Control - [阅读权限 5] galaxy786 2011-9-24 038 galaxy786 2011-9-24 21:06
[转贴] 解使用Verilog語言進行64點FFT變換 attachment  ...23456..7 z211010 2011-9-1 6317000 LSLS1997 2020-12-14 13:30
[转贴] verilog黄金参考指南中文版 attachment  ...2 lingz2007 2011-7-19 184259 gagmeng 2011-10-16 10:32
[转贴] vcs-mx_2011.03已经上传,包括common、linux、amd64和gcc四个包 attachment  ...234 liude19832006 2011-7-15 3210026 xghit 2013-10-1 12:28
[转贴] 已经上传了老的license可用的star rcxt 2010.06,2010.12的starrc不能用老的lic liude19832006 2011-7-15 33931 jiangweiwei1120 2021-7-14 11:49
[转贴] Xilinx ISE 13.2 LicGen (License Generator) attachment  ...23456..20 podstava1 2011-7-7 19944671 ahmad.reda2019 2022-2-25 07:01
[转贴] Quartus II design series_timing attachment 半人小马 2011-6-27 22083 waterfly 2011-6-28 10:53
[转贴] CAN总线入门书 attachment  ...2 半人小马 2011-6-20 124330 haizaolan 2021-11-29 21:37
[转贴] 职业认证培训资料--数字IC系统设计 attachment  ...23456..9 天易飞飏 2011-6-20 8421014 dannymu 2019-9-11 17:10
[转贴] virtuoso_vlsGXL_ds attachment molteza 2011-6-16 52391 ryan2 2018-2-9 16:30
[转贴] Altera的FPGA门数计算方法 attachment 半人小马 2011-6-11 11862 shimuzhou 2011-6-17 22:39
[转贴] FPGA设计的验证技术及使用原则,值得一看 attachment  ...23 半人小马 2011-6-11 254747 zklc123 2012-10-29 20:06
[转贴] 内存技术指南 attachment  ...2 半人小马 2011-6-10 173144 robinsuper 2012-11-14 21:09
[转贴] hsim2010.3 15M大附件 赶快下载啊 attachment  ...2 leefuture2012 2011-5-25 137558 lygjqxu 2020-11-26 11:58
[转贴] 卡内基梅隆的讲义memory system architecture attachment  ...23 thelastone 2011-5-17 266546 always_posedge 2023-8-20 14:21
[转贴] Hspice仿真教程 超级详细 有图演示 attach_img  ...23456..11 chneagle 2011-5-5 10126309 newking1856 2023-6-30 16:20
[转贴] 绝杀片间通信技术_邓旭 attachment  ...2 bbjj123 2011-5-4 113880 maizchen 2011-5-17 15:17
[转贴] Another VHDL to Verilog Translator and Verilog to VHDL Translator (SynaptiCAD) attachment eagleice 2011-4-30 52607 gaoxing7 2011-6-1 21:55
[转贴] 基于FPGA的SATA控制器 attachment  ...23 iamcamera 2011-4-11 214698 opqfeixue 2013-6-18 13:12
[转贴] Synplify_962带破解与破解说明 破解文件单独列出来 attachment  ...2 iamcamera 2011-4-11 103552 iamcamera 2012-12-27 20:41
[转贴] 分享一个Verilog与VHDL互译工具 attachment iamcamera 2011-4-11 02131 iamcamera 2011-4-11 19:29
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