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[原创] $ynplify Pro 9.2.6完美破解 attachment  ...23456..24 shengxia05 2009-6-1 23639342 sh_dong1 2021-12-22 15:09
[原创] 基于EDK的FPGA嵌入式系统开发-中文版 attachment  ...23456..12 A1985 2010-5-27 11716398 foxfoxes 2015-2-22 00:16
[原创] VERISILICON_SMIC13_V1.0 attachment  ...23456..8 amonghsh006 2011-7-22 7623937 147107186s 2023-3-28 00:02
[原创] WILEY2011新书 Embedded SoPC Design with Nios II Processor and VHDL Examples - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...2345 jacobshen 2011-11-21 41503 xuxms 2021-3-21 16:15
[原创] Altera的视频和图像处理解决方案 attachment  ...23 zjllh 2009-12-24 288331 murphy522 2016-5-4 11:57
[原创] synplify pro经典教程 attachment  ...23456..7 drksh 2009-6-7 6112412 JingKe 2019-3-28 20:51
[原创] 只发经典:Fundamentals of Logic Design 7th Edition attachment  ...23456 nieyang_eda 2013-10-4 5417325 lutherliu 2023-7-2 16:59
[原创] FPGA开发全攻略-好书值得一看 attachment  ...23456..50 mybeloving 2009-6-6 49054901 haozei 2018-1-25 20:50
[原创] 【Altium Designer实用宝典:FPGA设计】闫胜利 著【清晰pdg转pdf 300dpi】 - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2345 benemale 2012-1-7 49584 品博锦取_2021 2022-1-25 11:19
[原创] I2S协议 attachment  ...23456..7 zqtzm 2009-12-26 6627108 icer_zg 2024-1-13 09:43
[原创] [Springer2012]Harnessing VLSI System Design with EDA Tools attachment  ...234 jacobshen 2012-3-12 3810157 wang20100520 2020-8-27 21:43
[原创] Quartus 11.0sp1 Qsys Nios attachment  ...234 frank89757 2011-12-8 3816934 lj19820319 2020-11-13 11:45
[原创] ★新书上架☆Quantifying and Exploring the Gap Between FPGAs and ASICs attachment  ...23456..7 benemale 2010-7-17 6714160 jimcmwang 2017-12-2 08:13
[原创] 【Springer 2010】Post-Silicon and Runtime Verification for Modern Processors attachment  ...2345 lotusky 2010-12-18 4010613 ComTTest 2023-8-20 23:10
[原创] 自己整理的关于AES加密的资料 共享下 attach_img  ...23456 xiaoye45 2010-12-28 5211370 chinest2010 2017-8-1 15:45
[原创] 如何在zynq上挂linux attachment  ...2345 waterbeef 2014-9-12 4710035 ghostmydear 2019-11-25 10:45
[原创] 关于VHDL语言编码风格和方法的一本书,对于FPGA规范化设计很有用 attachment  ...2345 owesun 2011-1-25 4110486 szdgsz 2019-7-31 14:34
[原创] ISE14.4 中文使用手冊 attachment  ...234 kobexiao47 2013-5-12 398788 希望可以骄傲 2016-9-5 18:44
[原创] 一个简单的questasim仿真环境 attachment  ...234 qwpsmile 2013-1-22 389992 kliujie123 2017-1-19 13:43
[原创] vim auto script for verilog & RtlTree - (like Emacs, Verdi) attachment  ...23456..7 zhangguo1286 2012-6-9 6123336 dinsh1 2024-2-7 12:59
[原创] 图解高速USB握手过程 attachment  ...23456 avatar_eet 2010-8-20 5412948 sylee 2022-9-29 10:07
[原创] PrimeTime: Signal Integrity Labs (2010.06-SP2) attachment  ...2345 ytlin0 2011-9-7 449148 neilsu 2020-3-26 14:55
[原创] verdi使用教程 attachment  ...23456..9 zhaoweias 2016-10-20 8023791 jdk 2022-8-14 10:50
[原创] Computer Principles and Design in Verilog HDL attach_img  ...23456 Jason.tschen 2016-4-20 5114973 Byte2020SOC 2021-3-11 10:31
[原创] Aldec ALINT v2008.06 for "2K/XP/Vista" Verilog 语法的设计规则检验器 attachment  ...23456..7 900200 2010-1-14 6917244 MrKangXiang 2021-9-26 09:19
[原创] modelsim - altera 6.5b~10.0c破。。。解 attachment  ...234 tomlih 2012-2-1 3410990 小羊咩咩 2016-5-19 16:09
[原创] 最新Design Compiler 2012.06-SP4 attachment  ...23456 edram 2013-2-26 5216505 lbbyxmoran 2021-2-3 14:08
[原创] DC终于安装成功了。。分享\下安装所需文件..包括教程哦。。。(共15包) attachment  ...23456 boiiod 2011-11-6 5019558 zhoupfei014 2023-5-19 10:42
[原创] Physical Design for 3D Integrated Circuits attach_img  ...2345 Jason.tschen 2016-1-13 418595 abc_def_ghi 2019-2-18 15:17
[原创] 【Xilinx 2008 五星新书】FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 attachment  ...23456..36 benemale 2008-5-23 35348652 xiaofuss111 2020-6-13 08:29
[原创] FPGA应用开发从实践到提高-中文版 attachment  ...23456..10 A1985 2010-5-27 9314767 tang1009749133 2014-12-17 18:34
[原创] 【Springer 2008 新书】Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation attachment  ...23456..13 benemale 2008-8-2 12923328 rocsman 2023-8-3 22:57
[原创] 实例解说Timequest(图文) attachment  ...23456 foveryoung 2010-11-10 5118287 xtzlt21 2020-4-11 14:36
[原创] Xilinx DDR核MCB的使用 attachment  ...2345 Fei_Fly 2011-6-7 4012421 q1w2e3p0o9i8 2018-2-12 22:45
[原创] 【AP 2000 好书】VHDL Coding and Logic Synthesis with Synopsys attachment  ...23456..15 benemale 2008-6-28 14732536 jihuang0212 2021-2-15 17:44
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