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脚本资料区 今日: 0|主题: 728|排名: 25 

[资料] 自己总结的vi命令详解!~~ attachment  ...23 gnoc 2014-3-12 246985 CmosLgh 2021-12-3 09:44
[资料] IC设计需要的TCL语言教程  ...2 sjtusonic 2012-11-29 167013 核桃树 2022-5-18 16:50
[资料] Perl实例精解(第三版.影印版) attachment  ...234 cyyss 2012-9-22 376979 千羽鸩叶 2017-11-17 19:05
[资料] python 标准库(清晰扫描版) attachment  ...23 ybchen08 2013-9-12 286911 Hellen938 2021-11-24 22:37
[资料] perl基础学习(网上搜集) attachment maggady 2012-7-19 96852 martin_zheng 2021-9-3 14:05
[资料] [Latex]实用大全! attachment  ...23 netshell 2015-3-17 266885 Hugo6283 2023-11-14 21:17
[资料] Perl语言入门(第六版) attachment  ...234 x15063921036 2018-8-20 336830 jeffej 2022-4-20 10:09
[资料] Fluent Python资料难得 attachment  ...234 iccc 2017-5-16 346773 ncash0933 2023-2-20 13:14
[原创] 个人整理的gvim常用命令  ...23 西门电工 2018-12-3 206762 jiangnaner 2022-11-7 16:28
[资料] 传说中的美国国家安全局NSA的python培训文档 attachment  ...234 immonster 2020-2-27 346702 dreamfly123123 2024-1-15 10:42
[资料] Linux 101 Hacks 与 Sed and Awk 101 Hacks attachment  ...2 ID2007 2012-11-24 156631 amazingh 2023-8-24 12:47
[原创] 木棉/把打孔后多余的线头收回来的skill脚本AlignNetsToVias 新人帖 attachment  ...2345 飞鸟入山林 2022-11-7 476633 木子李木子 2024-1-24 09:03
[原创] python verilog netlist ECO tool  ...2 funningboy 2013-4-20 126544 xlteam2 2021-11-16 08:54
[资料] perl学习扎记 attachment  ...23 hlr1993 2017-2-26 276470 stefenxp 2023-8-16 09:21
[资料] 现在用到的脚本记录一下 attach_img  ...2 ymiker 2021-6-10 136527 光非 2023-4-23 14:07
[原创] 共享一下python的用户手册 attachment conghung2012 2012-7-19 96472 edison0217 2022-2-25 09:32
[资料] Linux脚本学习笔记 attachment  ...23 jiayong1913 2013-12-7 246457 yymatshu 2019-3-1 16:46
[资料] UNIX.shell范例精解(第4版)_code attachment  ...23 bobo1982 2012-8-8 226362 amazingh 2023-8-24 12:43
[原创] 自己常使用的一些tcl脚本,可以共同学习下 attachment  ...2 liu121zhe 2013-11-15 196363 数字后端的小白 2021-9-6 10:10
[资料] perl 快速入门教程 attachment hitzz 2013-9-13 76242 martin_zheng 2021-9-24 10:51
[资料] skill manual集合!!!! attachment  ...23 rick_chen 2020-10-25 226197 linchun 2023-9-25 16:41
[原创] Allegro导出器件坐标和转角和封装到Excel表格中 wangwil 2014-6-6 06171 wangwil 2014-6-6 16:32
[资料] Linux与unix_shell编程指南 attachment  ...2 ghghghghgh222 2013-9-14 186201 1069985010 2020-12-31 13:27
[资料] 几种脚本语言合集 attachment  ...2 mrhe1982 2015-3-18 136148 szucjh 2017-6-30 18:56
[资料] Python黄金资料 attachment  ...2345 sunxkechd 2020-8-15 416170 suifengerquba 2023-11-3 19:51
[资料] GCC中文手册 attachment  ...234 cloudiness 2012-11-19 316191 note30933 2023-12-21 11:35
[资料] VIM实用技巧:Practical Vim 2nd Edit Text at the Speed of Thought attachment  ...2 yucaoxilin 2017-7-22 116145 ncash0933 2022-11-23 15:01
[活动] skill编程群,欢迎加入讨论学习  ...2 xuhongwei 2014-9-12 126145 825555056 2021-7-6 17:40
[求助] Calibre drc lvs CXLDII 2012-2-17 86169 okfunny 2016-7-11 21:01
[资料] python编程:从入门到实践--源代码文件 attachment  ...23 hidedtear 2020-5-7 296131 zhou19891227 2023-6-8 15:14
[资料] 发个GNU Make的基础教程 attachment  ...2 worshipgun 2011-12-21 146127 durbin 2022-8-19 11:19
[资料] Perl书籍 attachment  ...23 ID2007 2011-12-25 215932 martin_zheng 2021-9-3 16:25
[资料] Python 入门指南(中英对照) attachment  ...23 2004changhe 2012-8-22 245828 mailtoanoopbabu 2020-4-7 20:07
[原创] 改变label名字里的<>为[]的小脚本 attachment  ...23 xyz51978 2020-4-3 215789 shirley1123 2023-12-26 08:58
[资料] Linux+Shell 脚本资料-V0.7 attachment  ...2 似水如烟 2014-10-20 185711 ICer_learn 2023-3-14 18:40
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