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生产/封装资料区 今日: 11 |主题: 1097|排名: 7 

版主: lzd, icfbicfb, u12u34
[资料] BGA Breakouts and Routing - Second Edition attachment  ...2 hungkuochiang 2013-10-15 165018 shu0425 2023-5-10 09:40
[资料] 国家集成电路工程领域工程硕士系列教材:模拟集成电路设计与仿真 attachment  ...2345 tractors 2013-10-31 416314 szdgsz 2019-8-20 13:20
[资料] 半导体工艺原理 分享 attachment  ...2 red2redcn 2016-5-24 166400 lans0625 2021-10-16 12:45
[资料] 微电子工艺基础 attach_img  ...234 IC1234 2016-11-4 326321 品博锦取_2021 2022-2-5 22:02
[资料] 《纳米集成电路制造工艺(第2版) - 张汝京》 attach_img  ...23456..7 hua1314 2022-8-17 665579 smartchen 5 天前
[资料] Physics of Semiconductor Devices attachment  ...2 pyprus 2015-1-21 154699 felicris 2019-4-20 18:45
[资料] Thin Film Metal-Oxides: Fundamentals and Applications in Electronics and Energy attachment  ...2 pyprus 2014-7-24 154100 felicris 2019-4-21 11:12
[资料] Tanner-Pro集成电路设计与布局实战指导 attachment  ...2 shuimu888 2011-4-13 133100 amigo.change 2018-9-18 10:53
[求助] 关于sentaurus tcad 中界面的定义  ...2 liandre 2011-5-10 137724 成都张学友 2015-10-22 17:31
[资料] Integrated Circuits and Systems attachment  ...2 charlesby 2013-6-12 157631 felicris 2019-4-21 21:48
[资料] 一种IGBT芯片的剖析 attach_img  ...23 xuhong1102 2015-11-19 216366 us2393 2023-1-21 08:47
[资料] Microelectronics Failure Analysis Desk Reference, 7th Edition @2019 attachment  ...23456..8 2046 2022-11-30 743945 LiuBrian_2024 昨天 13:38
[原创] 认识Mask以及其制作流程 attachment  ...23456 咸蛋999 2021-10-8 566867 313949724 2023-7-15 09:59
[资料] Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era (II)-volume2 process integration attachment  ...2 work23 2012-1-13 1610556 shuai_l 2023-1-31 16:59
[资料] Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices attachment  ...2 pyprus 2014-10-23 154592 AlexKe 2020-5-29 10:08
[资料] Electrical Properties of Materials, attachment  ...2 pyprus 2014-10-27 144111 felicris 2019-4-20 21:47
[资料] Advanced Transistor process Technology from 22 to 14nm 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 lijie5992373 2019-5-22 578735 im.leo 2024-3-28 16:41
[资料] 晶体管电路设计与制作资料分享 attachment  ...2 329879762 2019-1-8 122470 sfliu 2019-2-26 21:20
[求助] 求书:Chiplet Design and Heterogeneous Integration Packaging attachment  ...23456..7 littlej 2023-4-16 603674 jiangke199382 2024-4-11 13:56
[资料] 抄板软件QUICKPCB2005 attachment  ...2 zy3623326 2011-5-6 155163 chinapower 2017-1-12 17:01
[资料] 博士论文Advanced Gate Materials and Processes for Sub-70 nm CMOS Technology attachment  ...2 xhwubai 2012-3-28 104835 l123419881021 2018-1-8 15:09
[资料] 全国研究生集成电路电子设计竞赛试题 attachment  ...2 redolent 2012-5-22 128978 zhangedw 2014-7-29 13:16
[资料] 【国外电子与通信教材系列】CMOS模拟集成电路设计  ...2 lgw1238 2013-3-8 124358 szdgsz 2014-10-22 10:24
[资料] 专业机构半导体培训课件 attachment  ...2 xinqing89 2011-9-11 145089 xlteam2 2024-3-29 07:57
[资料] sentaurus2010.3安装视频教程 attachment  ...2 feng37140122 2013-9-5 147304 felicris 2019-4-21 19:03
[资料] 给大家发两篇rail-to-rail(轨到轨)方面的文章吧 attachment  ...234 zyb 2013-7-1 338504 uphao 2024-4-24 16:20
[资料] Light-Induced Defects in Semiconductors attachment  ...2 pyprus 2014-8-28 134274 tvman2015 2022-10-25 15:23
[资料] IGBT热阻计算 attachment  ...2 mdiudiu 2012-5-30 154316 seraphim静怡 2020-1-3 10:40
[资料] sentaurus 学习资料和用户手册 attachment  ...2 yj5520379 2013-3-26 114628 luohaowen 2019-7-18 10:47
[资料] 不错的全套集成电路工艺课件 attachment  ...2 magma2010 2013-8-5 165412 LiuBrian_2024 2024-3-15 16:59
[资料] Semiconductor Devices - Basic Principles - Jasprit Singh-扫描版(高质量) attach_img  ...23 qwerqwer1111 2017-1-25 216063 dannyyip 2019-11-25 23:34
[转贴] Theory of Semiconductor Lasers attachment  ...2 pyprus 2014-6-16 124347 felicris 2019-4-21 12:14
[资料] VLSI Physical Design From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure attachment  ...2 Eric_369 2016-4-6 155997 qwqwasas1234 2024-1-9 11:02
[资料] 朱正涌的《半导体集成电路》 attachment  ...23 shu0425 2016-8-14 266971 品博锦取_2021 2022-9-22 10:17
[资料] 各类封装基板介绍大全2021 新人帖 attachment  ...23456 zsf504002014 2021-8-27 566728 dmf336 7 天前
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