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Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
TheSecond Edition of this bestselling book by Drs. Wilson and Turcotteuses MATLAB to analyze various applications in mathematics andmechanics. This modern programming environment is an excellentalternative to FORTRAN. It is an interactive environment for technicalcomputing, and includes a high level programming language and simplegraphics commands facilitating two- and three-dimensional datapresentation. The applications emphasize solutions of linear andnonlinear differential equations. Linear partial differential equationsand linear matrix differential equations are analyzed usingeigenfunctions and series solutions. All the programs are contained onan accompanying diskette, which is organized with directoriescorresponding to different chapters. A group of repeatedly usedfunctions, such as those for spline interpolation and interactive datainput, comprises a separate utility library.
Book Info
Incorporates full revisions thatreflect the latest 6.x version of MATLAB. Focuses on the use of MATLABas a programming environment for computational mathematics andengineering problems. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 656 pages
- Publisher: CRC-Press; 2 edition (December 2, 1997)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0849316863
- ISBN-13: 978-0849316869