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后端资料区 今日: 9 |主题: 5701|排名: 8 

抽取和内插数字滤波器设计 attachment  ...23456..16 puma_2 2007-4-15 15024913 ccheng9201 2020-5-15 13:47
集成电路的后端设计 attachment  ...23 happfly 2007-4-13 204413 Langjity 2011-7-6 17:20
关于"abstract"---(产生LEF文件)工具的资料下载!!! attachment  ...23456..17 wuyuqun123 2007-4-12 16229536 sunnylin 2020-4-27 16:43
synopsys gaxaly官方培训资料! attachment  ...234 supcer 2007-4-2 337171 ra3d 2014-11-3 22:44
synopsys dc中文教程(比较详细) attachment  ...23456..40 zhaoyg03 2007-3-31 39945828 zhspgood 2017-8-16 22:29
astro 流程 attachment  ...23 zhaoyg03 2007-3-31 266236 ralphtwtw 2018-6-29 18:01
数字电路神经网络建模 attachment ponykuizai 2007-3-30 77625 srouyang 2016-10-17 10:21
一款超低成本125K射频读写模块, fselwi 2007-3-28 72557 ralphtwtw 2016-8-23 13:48
求Digital Integrated Circuits - A design perspective"一书的答案 attachment  ...234 fred40 2007-3-23 3510779 frankapdl 2019-1-8 11:47
Virtuso使用手册 attachment  ...23 peterc478 2007-3-18 265711 hunk4321 2011-10-15 11:09
MIT VLSI 讲义 attachment  ...2 ibmt40 2007-3-16 115276 helloverilog 2011-8-2 09:33
ic layout 版图设计 attachment  ...23456 aszx 2007-3-11 5111286 nextic 2020-10-7 16:28
静态时序分析基础及应用 attachment  ...234 wyyhj 2007-3-7 306007 lihongpengtd 2013-1-22 22:27
dc详细中文教程 attachment  ...23456 wyyhj 2007-3-7 5211988 chenwu8007 2010-3-14 15:04
Astro详细的布局布线流程,内含详细的操作步骤 attachment  ...23456..42 gtgz_alex 2007-2-6 41238022 nullptr 2024-1-9 09:55
集成电路测试教程 (IC Testing)--国家晶片系统设计中心 attachment  ...23456..20 semico_ljj 2007-2-1 19338488 lvbeenyuen 2022-10-4 12:08
模拟电子技术 attachment baobamboo 2007-1-31 62857 cross武 2020-4-21 13:09 ASICFPGA 2007-1-13 62926 quee 2010-9-18 12:42
旁路,去藕电容详解(TI,XINLINX文章)绝对经典 attachment  ...23456..23 husan01 2007-1-12 22038507 haizaolan 2023-3-9 21:49
CIC_DigitalTesting_9808 attachment  ...2 xielaqiao 2007-1-12 173981 dreamfly123123 2024-3-29 13:51
Synthesisautobx.rar Synthesis自动布局布线 attachment lotus_meilian 2007-1-10 29619 efwefwrrr 2010-9-24 14:25
Post Layout simulation attachment  ...23 lotus_meilian 2007-1-10 286374 hujiaomianhao 2014-7-4 22:36
Astro清华例子 attachment  ...23456..39 ic小新 2007-1-10 38142866 darlingwqm 2018-6-30 22:33
寻求Calibre验证相关手册或资料,谢谢!越详细越好!  ...2 semico_ljj 2007-1-9 174931 mmx20031221 2011-6-28 01:11
谁能把Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation完整上传 frank123 2007-1-2 89095 xichen07 2008-8-4 10:17
Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide attachment  ...23456..7 frank123 2007-1-2 6212281 ikanbilis 2010-8-19 17:32
Synopsys Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide attachment  ...234 frank123 2007-1-2 307705 vsop 2021-10-13 22:06
数字逻辑电路基础知识整理 attachment  ...23456..7 r65840 2006-12-31 6615084 martin_zheng 2021-8-31 10:24
Astro的布局与布线流程与后端流程.rar attachment  ...23456..7 lhwtrht 2006-12-31 6412393 gnoc 2012-5-21 16:22
清华大学微电子所IC设计流程上课课件 attachment  ...23456..18 lhwtrht 2006-12-31 17726303 garden2012 2020-2-15 14:52
培训教材 attachment  ...23 lhwtrht 2006-12-31 236561 wuquanxing 2009-11-18 17:08
版图设计讲义.rar attachment  ...23 lhwtrht 2006-12-31 286023 samgu 2019-7-14 20:18
培训教材-color_slides_SOCE_3_3.rar attachment lhwtrht 2006-12-31 32690 wgxcumt 2009-6-4 19:35
The art of analog layout之翻译版01 attachment  ...23 icad 2006-12-31 215849 helloverilog 2011-8-2 00:10
The art of analog layout之翻译版01 attachment icad 2006-12-31 32903 planet1997 2008-10-15 21:11
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