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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 创芯大讲堂新课上线《DFT 设计与实现》限时75折 attach_img 创芯讲堂运营 2023-11-15 814849 hzmscut 2024-5-24 16:35
[资料] 纠错码最新图书 Polynomial Theory of Error Correcting Codes - [阅读权限 20]attachment  ...2 zgdzdjkf2009 2017-3-4 19234 wendy235711 昨天 20:37
[资料] 【2019 新书】Massive MIMO Detection Algorithm and VLSI Architecture attach_img  ...23456 hsh22 2019-7-28 598003 wendy235711 昨天 20:34
[资料] 【eBook 2015】Detection of Random Signals in Dependent Gaussian Noise - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...234 saysayliam 2016-9-8 33324 wendy235711 昨天 20:24
[资料] LDPC Code Designs, Constructions, and Unification 2016 New Book attach_img  ...23456..8 spwedasd 2016-12-11 7018072 wendy235711 昨天 20:22
[EBOOK]Digital Communication Receivers:Synchronization,Channel Estimation,and .. attachment  ...23456..87 serene 2005-2-27 86991589 joseph77 昨天 16:38
[资料] Digital Communications A Discrete Time Approach by Michael Rice attachment  ...23456..14 bellbell 2010-7-31 13132476 joseph77 昨天 16:23
Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers by Umberto Mengali, Aldo N. D'A attachment  ...23456..53 serene 2005-3-10 52172190 joseph77 昨天 16:10
[资料] 《数字信号处理-第3版》Richard G.Lyons著 张建华等译 attachment  ...23456..7 pwang7 2022-3-8 6313182 the_start 前天 22:24
[原创] PCIE 3.0协议手册 attachment tian10 2023-3-6 1923 ic886 前天 00:22
[原创] CFR_DPD相关资料 attachment  ...23456..8 vikingg 2011-6-28 7717287 haidong132 3 天前
现代通信系统使用MATLAB attachment  ...2345 linxy 2007-6-12 4710748 459157479 4 天前
[原创] ofdm tutorial attachment  ...2 unlogical 2017-11-16 134558 fourwave 5 天前
[资料] 《软件定义的GPS和伽利略接收机》光盘 attach_img  ...23456 xmclogic 2014-3-25 5523122 zzabc 5 天前
[资料] 【2017 书】 Understanding GPS/GNSS:Principles and Applications (第三版) attachment  ...23 hsh22 2019-2-23 234943 zzabc 5 天前
[原创] GPS: Theory, Algorithms and Applications , 3rd ed. 2016 Edition attach_img  ...234 Jason.tschen 2016-7-31 345021 zzabc 5 天前
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[经典数字通信讲义]Stanford教授,IEEE会士 John M. Cioffi attachment  ...23456..9 nearfar2008 2008-3-16 8326329 ljhshitc 6 天前
Algorithms for Communications Systems and their Applications attachment  ...23456..17 pumpkin 2009-6-24 16227560 ljhshitc 6 天前
[资料] VHDL数字电路设计教程.pdf 新人帖 attachment flyingbxf 2023-9-25 6748 cwz0302 6 天前
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[资料] 新书Digital Communications 2: Digital Modulations attachment  ...2345 jacobshen 2015-11-19 4610225 lutherliu 6 天前
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[资料] 2015新书-Bit-interleaved coded modulation : fundamentals, analysis, and design attachment  ...2345 goggg 2015-2-4 4211624 dannymu 7 天前
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[资料] 数字图像处理与图像通信 pdf attachment  ...23456..8 浩然若枫 2014-11-7 7624687 ppasion 7 天前
[原创] ECC圣经(The theory of error correcting codes)拿来共享 新版本 attachment  ...2345 zgdzdjkf2009 2012-4-24 4010333 couldnothelp 2024-5-28 18:18
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信号与系统(第二版)奥本海姆 绝对经典 完整版带目录书签pdf attachment  ...23456..33 xik 2009-4-30 32062487 hr117700 2024-5-24 18:43
[资料] High.Performance.Switches.And.Routers.pdf 高清文字,带目录 attach_img  ...23 Zhangzx 2018-8-28 256590 青椒不辣 2024-5-24 16:13
[资料] 2011 New Book: 4G LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband attach_img  ...23456..8 spwedasd 2011-5-22 7514009 csfan007 2024-5-22 21:45
[原创] 现代通信原理等基本经典书籍(都整理为一本就可以下载) attachment  ...23456 newmsgnet 2013-5-12 5512864 jianchongzhou 2024-5-22 10:45
通信原理2(北邮~杨鸿文)课件 attachment  ...23 blueblueblue 2009-9-25 235008 jianchongzhou 2024-5-22 10:12
[资料] 北京邮电大学杨鸿文教授无线通信讲义 - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2 raowy2009 2011-4-5 14103 jianchongzhou 2024-5-22 10:06
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