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[资料] WLAN多标准接收机电路系统设计 attachment  ...2 otkill 2011-7-14 125228 lutherliu 2024-6-28 18:20
求助,运放的失调电压的消除方法. panz1204 2008-5-20 67457 qqlpp 2024-6-27 16:24
工程数学基础 attachment  ...23456 chenpld 2008-3-6 518881 opqfeixue122 2024-6-25 18:15
[其它] FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS,Proakis,Salehi 2014 2nd Edition attachment  ...23456..10 takaryan 2014-12-31 9724551 lutherliu 2024-6-23 17:32
[资料] 新书Digital Communications 2: Digital Modulations attachment  ...2345 jacobshen 2015-11-19 4811322 lutherliu 2024-6-22 18:44
[资料] 一本经典书《Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)》 attach_img  ...23456..8 zhaish 2013-9-12 7424752 lutherliu 2024-6-22 18:31
[求助] 求Wireless Networking: Introduction to Bluetooth and WiFi一书电子版 attach_img guo@hust 2023-10-31 81122 guo@hust 2024-6-22 12:30
[资料] 6G 系统设计中的信息论、数学优化及其十字路口(2022新书) attach_img  ...23 zhaish 2023-8-27 232149 jiangnaner 2024-6-21 08:07
[资料] UWB定位算法和对RF Transceiver的要求 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-3 41399 mfkiwl 2024-6-20 22:23
[资料] 推荐紧跟技术发展书《Innovations in Satellite Communication...》 attach_img  ...23 zhaish 2017-4-5 289071 jw216 2024-6-20 21:58
[资料] 快速算法-蒋增荣 attachment  ...2 zzz123456789 2012-1-6 1410723 jw216 2024-6-20 21:53
[资料] High.Performance.Switches.And.Routers.pdf 高清文字,带目录 attach_img  ...23 Zhangzx 2018-8-28 267333 jw216 2024-6-20 21:52
[资料] 《无线传感器网络-原理、设计和应用》中文翻译版pdf attach_img  ...23 lans0625 2022-1-1 265701 jw216 2024-6-20 21:50
[资料] 无线WiFi,蓝牙Bluetooth,以太网ETH资料 attachment wangchenglong 2023-11-30 5869 jw216 2024-6-20 21:48
[转贴] 数字通信DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS( 5TH EDITION) SOLUTIONS MANNUAL attachment  ...23 zangweizyz 2012-1-5 267650 lulu670370 2024-6-20 14:53
[资料] 《Matrix.Computations.for.Signal. Processing》 attachment  ...23456..10 月下海棠 2010-1-11 9318770 opqfeixue122 2024-6-19 11:31
[数学]什么是数学 attachment  ...23 qqxing79 2009-2-7 223286 infortrans 2024-6-18 08:12
[资料] 鸿篇巨制 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Vol.1-Vol.4 attach_img  ...23456..18 fwbnick 2014-12-13 17739491 infortrans 2024-6-18 08:07
Solution manual of Discrete-time Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 wuhuhusong 2009-11-6 5213466 wendy235711 2024-6-17 17:08
现代通信收发机设计 Wireless Transceiver Design attachment  ...23456..18 supertorus 2009-6-15 17027169 JavenLee 2024-6-16 11:48
Jitter 寻根溯源.pdf attachment  ...2345 zhongguodachuan 2009-12-4 427208 redowl 2024-6-15 17:49
[资料] 信息论必用数学工具手册--tables of integrals, series and products attachment  ...2 qdl726 2010-2-16 153350 opqfeixue122 2024-6-14 11:36
从基础学习数学 attachment  ...2 qqxing79 2009-2-7 114104 opqfeixue122 2024-6-14 11:35
[资料] 电子工程方面的数学书籍 attachment  ...234 cranboy 2010-10-10 3511196 opqfeixue122 2024-6-14 10:49
[求助] 为何量化噪声功率均匀分布在-fs/ 2 到fs/ 2 之间,fs指采样频率。 cqu2ustc 2011-3-22 76591 Riching 2024-6-11 19:49
[资料] 好书分享:Implementing Full Duplexing for 5G attachment  ...23456..12 digicomm 2021-7-28 11023159 pstwo0920 2024-6-7 20:00
[原创] ECC圣经(The theory of error correcting codes)拿来共享 新版本 attachment  ...2345 zgdzdjkf2009 2012-4-24 4111469 Ralphjh 2024-6-6 14:08
[资料] 美国航天局经典著作:用于深空的自主软件无线电 attachment  ...23456 xiaoying0130 2011-8-21 5012823 cmmjava 2024-6-5 23:56
[资料] Radar.and.Electronic.Warfare.Systems(简氏:雷达与电子战系统) attachment  ...23456..7 xys_2001 2010-2-1 6715453 cmmjava 2024-6-5 23:54
实时频谱分析原理 attachment  ...234 xinsh 2009-6-9 3611544 lutherliu 2024-6-5 17:33
[资料] 【2019 新书】Massive MIMO Detection Algorithm and VLSI Architecture attach_img  ...23456 hsh22 2019-7-28 598841 wendy235711 2024-6-4 20:34
[资料] 【eBook 2015】Detection of Random Signals in Dependent Gaussian Noise - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...234 saysayliam 2016-9-8 33331 wendy235711 2024-6-4 20:24
[资料] Digital Communications A Discrete Time Approach by Michael Rice attachment  ...23456..14 bellbell 2010-7-31 13134230 joseph77 2024-6-4 16:23
[原创] PCIE 3.0协议手册 attachment tian10 2023-3-6 11385 ic886 2024-6-3 00:22
[原创] CFR_DPD相关资料 attachment  ...23456..8 vikingg 2011-6-28 7718893 haidong132 2024-6-2 13:32
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