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[原创] Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-29 174463 jld326 2025-1-7 22:50
[资料] 【Ebook】LTE Standards 2014 attach_img hsh22 2018-8-21 61344 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 21:17
悬赏 [求助] 求“Estimation and tracking: principles, techniques, and software” - [悬赏 1000 信元资产] attach_img fishinsea 2016-3-25 22982 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 21:06
[剑桥大学出版社][空时编码][英文版]Space-Time Coding: Theory and Practice attachment  ...234 ijarny 2009-5-11 399350 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 20:59
[资料] 中译本Understanding Digtal signal Processing(Second Edition) attachment  ...2 cangqiong 2016-10-8 183740 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 20:50
2008 新书. Network Coding.An Introduction attachment  ...234 raowy2009 2009-4-7 376108 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 20:48
[资料] 【Ebook】LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2018-8-21 114401 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 01:56
[原创] Network Routing Algorithms, Protocols and Architectures attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-28 185496 xdrxdr 2025-1-7 01:47
[资料] 最优化导论 attach_img  ...2 shawn104 2022-10-14 143957 zhsh94 2025-1-6 08:17
[原创] Network Modeling and Simulation-A Practical Perspective attachment  ...2 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-27 135157 xdrxdr 2025-1-6 01:58
东南大学讲义]低噪声放大器 attachment  ...23 55okok 2007-10-25 226719 xdrxdr 2025-1-6 01:29
卫星移动通信系统(第2版) attachment  ...2 daisy1314 2009-4-27 145465 xdrxdr 2025-1-6 01:26
[资料] Network Information Theory attachment  ...2 preben 2013-9-10 114786 xdrxdr 2025-1-6 01:19
[资料] Two-Dimensional Information Theory and Coding attachment  ...23 raowy2009 2010-4-7 249058 xdrxdr 2025-1-6 01:17
不是经典不发《Principles of Communication Engineering》 attachment  ...23456..31 study007 2008-10-1 30540123 machunhu 2025-1-4 15:20
经典讲义:麻省理工《数字通信原理》 attachment  ...23456..20 happytudou 2009-5-14 19033424 xdrxdr 2025-1-4 03:29
Wiley 2009新书 Multicarrier Communications attachment  ...23456..8 jacobshen 2009-5-27 7513453 xdrxdr 2025-1-4 01:58
[资料] Linear Algebra, 4th & 5th Edition by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2020-2-10 248973 itcmich 2025-1-3 17:02
[资料] Digital.Communications.Proakis 5ed attachment  ...2 银河水晶 2021-2-4 114539 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 06:49
. A frame synchronization method attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-27 62369 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 06:46
[资料] FOG FOR 5G AND IoT attach_img  ...2 daemonstar 2018-12-14 113514 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 06:10
[资料] 信号统计分析与处理-沉凤麟 叶中付.rar attachment zhangljian 2012-2-22 83098 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 06:09
[资料] [EBOOK]Ethernet The Definitive Guide 2nd.pdf cwy691024 2017-3-7 62298 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 06:05
HDLC通信协议中文版 attachment  ...23456..14 jackyggdym 2004-3-9 13727766 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:52
David Tse-Fundamentals of Wireless Communication attachment  ...2 cjieee 2008-1-10 113850 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:51
[资料] LTE, The UMTS Long Term Evolution From Theory to Practice attach_img  ...2 huadong1860 2012-2-19 103422 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:49
[资料] 奥本海默 Signals and Systems 英文第二版 attachment  ...23456..7 z_yc 2010-5-13 6011675 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:47
[资料] digital communications, 5th ed,prokis (重发) attachment  ...2345 cscomm 2011-7-11 469625 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:46
[原创] Effects of Phase Noise on OFDM Systems attachment  ...2 yunyong_i 2010-8-1 164577 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:44
[资料] 书:Mobile broadband communications for public safety:the road ahead through attach_img hsh22 2018-8-21 51509 xdrxdr 2025-1-3 05:43
珍贵资料 数字通信:基础与应用(sklar) 习题 答案 解答 attachment  ...23456..12 markkknd 2008-5-12 11324234 zhouguodong 2025-1-2 14:10
Faraday NC Express platform attachment buildgates 2006-11-12 22439 xdrxdr 2025-1-2 08:55
[资料] 【Ebook】Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks:From GSM to LTE attach_img hsh22 2018-8-21 61452 xdrxdr 2025-1-2 08:54
[资料] Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks attachment  ...2 hjgcqq123 2011-10-15 154231 xdrxdr 2025-1-2 04:52
扩频通信数字基带信号处理及其VLSI实现-清晰pdf版本 attachment  ...23456..20 cbc007 2009-2-10 19931108 tjy123456 2025-1-1 12:42
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