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Design of Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recovery Circuits-A Tutorial attachment  ...23456..28 serene 2005-10-20 27544961 ricvadim 2024-8-2 21:28
[资料] Channel Coding in Communication Networks attachment sailor123 2019-8-15 71751 woshilanglong 2024-8-2 13:48
悬赏 [求助] 【求助】《卫星通信系统工程设计与应用》 - [悬赏 100 信元资产] attachment  ...234 zhsh94 2023-4-21 373530 ricvadim 2024-8-2 01:13
[资料] 砷化镓GaAs HBT产业链与射频PA attachment Billmtk 2023-1-16 41272 1305308036 2024-8-1 14:11
[求助] 通信抗干扰工程与实践[2008] attach_img drjiachen 2010-4-21 93533 swas 2024-7-31 20:46
[资料] 《多采样率系统——采样率转换和数字滤波器组》(德国)奎克勒 attachment  ...234 RagingPipi 2023-8-18 313005 woshilanglong 2024-7-29 18:36
[资料] VLSI数字信号处理系统:设计与实现_[K.Parhi著][机械工业出版社][2004][594页] attach_img  ...23456..10 fishyuhy 2012-5-8 9421441 IC大白菜 2024-7-27 18:45
欢迎下载经典好书PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS FOR WIRELESS COM,数字锁相环设计必看:) attachment  ...23456..20 ibaojr 2007-11-30 19231711 binnq 2024-7-24 15:12
[资料] 《无线传感器及执行器网络》中文翻译版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-9-8 122746 woshilanglong 2024-7-23 18:38
Space-Time.Processing.for.MIMO.Communications[download] attachment  ...23 frenkie 2008-6-30 224567 hlbh 2024-7-22 17:28
[资料] Introduction to Terahertz Electronics @2021 attach_img 2046 2022-11-11 81377 jianchongzhou 2024-7-20 20:58
静态时序分析基础及应用(好东西) attachment  ...23456 sysss 2007-3-13 5213498 Ralphjh 2024-7-18 13:29
[资料] 不是经典不推荐系列-Topics in Matrix Analysis-矩阵分析 attachment  ...23456..8 angle963 2010-6-11 7217221 everny1 2024-7-10 11:53
[资料] [EBOOK]Software Receiver Design: Build Your Own Digital Communication System attach_img  ...23456..10 lodestar6666 2013-1-13 9424771 binnq 2024-7-10 10:23
459页FPGA-CPLD在软件无线电中的工程应用PPT attachment  ...23456..16 智慧棒 2009-5-10 15726467 binnq 2024-7-10 10:21
[原创] 《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》data mining方面的书哈 attachment  ...2 pureye 2011-1-20 184968 binnq 2024-7-10 10:17
[资料] Simulation of a Wireless Network Using The 802.11 MAC Protocol attachment  ...2 zuesyeh 2010-10-15 195705 binnq 2024-7-10 10:17
中频数字接收机的研究与设计 attachment  ...234 无相无住 2009-6-12 347481 binnq 2024-7-10 10:14
[资料] RF Architecture and DSP Aspects of Digital Wireless Transceivers attachment  ...23456 angelaboy 2013-8-6 5111525 binnq 2024-7-10 10:12
怎么作128QAM解调算法?包括均衡、时钟恢复、载波恢复! attachment  ...23456..7 jasonnpu 2004-4-22 6219464 binnq 2024-7-10 10:05
[资料] [Cambridge 2010] Statistical Signal Processing of Complex-Valued Data attachment  ...23 raowy2009 2011-4-17 205784 xiaoshaozi 2024-7-9 10:05
《DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS USING SYSTEMVUE》一本好书 attachment  ...23456..20 xik 2009-4-29 19032575 cmmjava 2024-7-9 01:13
[资料] Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB and Simulink attachment  ...23456..21 chnmy 2011-6-12 20048664 cmmjava 2024-7-9 01:12
[资料] 《MIT-高速通讯线路与系统》英文版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-21 184207 opqfeixue122 2024-7-8 13:53
Multirate and Wavelet Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 fjlihh 2008-5-5 5710120 lutherliu 2024-7-7 14:30
[资料] Adaptive Filter Theory_5th_Simon O.Haykin attach_img  ...23456..10 胜利象征 2015-6-2 9127519 etopjp 2024-7-7 09:27
[资料] 软件无线电手册 新人帖 attach_img  ...234 zhouyuan_EE 2021-7-26 3110649 etopjp 2024-7-7 09:27
[原创] Digital Signal Processing using Matlab 原版 attachment  ...234 franklee 2019-3-2 347900 etopjp 2024-7-7 09:26
[资料] 雷达信号处理技术与系统设计PPT - [阅读权限 1]attachment  ...2 happy2050 2017-1-12 134081 cmmjava 2024-7-6 23:29
[资料] Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes (Papoulis 4Ed) attachment  ...2345 bravexplorer 2014-5-30 4611702 csfan007 2024-7-6 23:05
[求助] 求一本书 attachment 530985381 2021-10-12 93082 lee4397 2024-7-4 17:51
[资料] 《深入浅出数字信号处理》 attachment  ...23456..8 tide 2020-2-23 7418468 chillys 2024-7-3 17:17
悬赏 [求助] 数字预失真DPD - [悬赏 500 信元资产] lonsword 2024-7-1 1423 菜鸟要飞 2024-7-1 10:41
[资料] [2012新书]Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Systems attachment  ...23456..8 szjiang 2013-1-2 7918886 platum66 2024-6-30 07:02
Principles of Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation attachment  ...23456..7 无相无住 2009-7-31 6712387 lutherliu 2024-6-28 18:22
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