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北邮通信原理 attachment liyuanliu 2008-10-1 82162 bmlm666 2015-11-20 16:05
[求助] 求书:introduction to wireless and mobile systems attach_img a5083 2015-11-18 11850 poppopsun 2015-11-19 11:02
小波分析及其在图像处理中的应用 attachment  ...23 fjlihh 2008-4-10 214165 poppopsun 2015-11-18 04:58
OFDM_Peak_Power_ Reduction attachment handchief581 2008-11-18 71928 zhaish 2015-11-17 20:06
[资料] 西电 通院课件 数字信号处理 attachment jiuxian_2004 2011-4-29 72031 jjxyym 2015-11-17 15:52
小波十讲 attachment zhoudi 2009-2-27 42280 sunecho 2015-11-17 14:45
[求助] 求经典书籍Algebraic Coding Theory attach_img poppopsun 2015-11-12 41827 poppopsun 2015-11-16 11:54
[资料] Application of Antenna Arrays to Mobile Communications, Part II: Beam-Forming attachment  ...2 budebushuai 2010-4-7 154019 muxl1 2015-11-14 20:37
[资料] 扩频通信 gfche 2010-2-23 51660 luzhichao811 2015-11-13 21:33
Entropy and Information Theory attachment  ...23 ntynty 2006-12-2 214379 sunecho 2015-11-12 10:58
Information Theory and Statistics.A Tutorial.Now.2004 attachment raowy2009 2009-4-1 71751 sunecho 2015-11-12 10:57
差错控制编码 林舒 英文版 attachment  ...23456..7 chaowei 2008-7-5 6813977 yan12590120 2015-11-11 14:07
Air and Spaceborne Radar Systems attachment  ...2 rfjungle 2008-1-11 152512 skkang77777 2015-11-11 07:55
OFDM Systems Engineering - Keith Baldwin - Sec.pdf attachment  ...2 zhangli07 2008-12-5 112782 hnwulei 2015-11-9 09:20
[求助] 求书OFDMA Mobile Broadband Communications: A Systems Approach attach_img fwbnick 2014-4-8 86403 skkang77777 2015-11-9 08:44
[资料] Continuous-Time Signals and Systems hydrate 2015-11-9 01581 hydrate 2015-11-9 05:32
信号与系统 胡光锐版 attachment  ...234 mfkiass 2007-12-15 325120 rtunique 2015-11-8 22:50
关于无线信道的经典巨著——《The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel》第二版 attachment  ...23456..10 feifei879546213 2008-7-4 9914643 muxl 2015-11-8 12:48
[资料] G.9700 attachment 140611 2015-11-7 01314 140611 2015-11-7 14:00
[资料] List DecodingofError Correcting Codes.pdf attachment hjgcqq123 2011-5-12 92519 rohm5000 2015-11-6 12:38
3G Evolution, Second Edition: HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband attachment  ...234 lfzhang000 2009-4-18 347126 s20192s20192 2015-11-5 21:14
[资料] [Cambridge 2009] Applied Speech and Audio Processing with MATLAB Examples - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2 raowy2009 2011-4-6 13216 skkang77777 2015-10-31 11:22
[资料] Fundamentals of High-Frequency CMOS Analog ICs attachment dreamath 2010-1-27 96514 muxl1 2015-10-25 14:02
[资料] Antenna Arraying Techniques in the Deep Space Network attachment chnmy 2011-6-12 92181 kingrain 2015-10-23 17:21
[资料] 共享一下nRF24L01的中文资料 attachment tomtom200 2013-1-12 21660 darrenxu 2015-10-23 01:32
[资料] [王宏禹 邱天爽]自适应噪声抵消与时间延迟估计清晰可打印 attachment liudanian1984 2013-3-31 74045 hejiang688 2015-10-17 20:46
[推荐][EBOOK]Software Defined Radio for 3G -- [已奖励][已修复] attachment  ...23456..13 serene 2004-5-21 12424293 AndrewBLau 2015-10-15 06:41
[资料] 基于turbo码的交织器的设计与实现 attachment vikingg 2015-9-15 41086 wujianqiu 2015-10-14 18:41
[原创] 新一代SD2015型HART调制解调器的原理 attach_img SDICMICRO 2010-6-7 312575 kyh789 2015-10-13 13:45
光通信工程师入门手册 attachment  ...23 bobosky_sz 2007-4-25 245597 huashengwudao 2015-10-9 19:58
DTMF编码解码源代码参考 attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 82944 chomepa 2015-10-7 15:42
[原创] MII的4B/5B编码 szlazy 2015-10-7 01622 szlazy 2015-10-7 12:00
[原创] phased-locked loops franky_kin 2015-8-14 51602 huatiantian 2015-10-6 10:19
[求助] 有关GMSK解调的时钟同步问题 zhangzongpan 2010-4-6 33726 spwedasd 2015-10-5 14:00
[2008]Book sharing: SCFDMA A New Air Interface For Long Term Evolution attachment hwk 2009-5-25 85853 skkang77777 2015-10-3 05:37
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