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[资料] 多天线系统信道估计与信号检测技术研究 attachment vikingg 2014-10-23 71657 xukawendi 2016-6-13 17:24
[资料] 一种新的修正步长盲均衡算法 attachment vikingg 2015-1-9 31645 xukawendi 2016-6-13 17:19
C常用算法集(徐士良版)源代码 attachment  ...23 Jedi2000 2009-9-29 213520 xukawendi 2016-6-13 16:17
求书《Phase-Modulated Optical Communication Systems》 justest 2008-8-30 92929 xukawendi 2016-6-13 16:13
On Time-Frequency Masking in Voiced Speech attachment Jedi2000 2009-9-30 31623 xukawendi 2016-6-13 16:09
[资料] 千兆位以太网组网技术 attachment yuzhicai 2010-9-23 72646 xukawendi 2016-6-13 11:45
Wiley-Mobile.Ad.Hoc.Networking attachment zy761015 2008-7-23 52538 caltech_usa 2016-6-11 07:24
Wireless Ad Hoc Networking attachment guihe 2008-8-1 32436 caltech_usa 2016-6-11 07:23
[资料] 以太网服务质量-最新IEEE规范推动新一代网络产品的发展 attachment free2bird 2011-5-15 21576 caltech_usa 2016-6-8 15:11
[资料] LTE物理层标准协议(基站)之三 attachment fengyun01 2009-12-24 11730 evistera 2016-6-5 10:57
[资料] LTE物理层标准协议(基站)之二 attachment fengyun01 2009-12-24 13086 evistera 2016-6-5 10:56
09国庆新书Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications attach_img  ...234 jacobshen 2009-10-8 347252 efong 2016-6-4 17:28
Springer 2009年最新书籍New Directions in Wireless Communications Research attachment  ...23456..11 jacobshen 2009-8-28 10015047 efong 2016-6-4 17:24
trellis coding and turbo codes attachment lulinjun_001 2008-3-4 72639 494693243 2016-6-2 17:33
LNA Matching Techniques for Optimizing Noise Figures attachment  ...23456..7 ts888 2008-2-3 609955 fwutsairlin 2016-6-2 16:12
LNA Design Uses Series Feedback attachment ts888 2008-2-3 32843 efong 2016-6-1 16:20
求书!Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory  ...234 liyuanliu 2009-5-28 336495 fishinsea 2016-5-31 22:40
Some standards on IrDA attachment  ...2 gjesse 2008-3-30 153566 liangboo 2016-5-28 13:37
Gardner timging recovery 经典论文 attachment  ...23 CheerKwah 2008-10-16 255939 arielless 2016-5-27 18:13
TCP/IP非常详细的资料书 attachment  ...2345 misgen 2008-10-14 488738 笑陵韵 2016-5-27 09:25
[资料] 经典教程--[完整]C++沉思录 attachment  ...2 wolvesking 2014-2-13 133218 sunjianty 2016-5-26 21:33
以前收藏的OPNET8.1.a,希望对大家有用! attachment alchemist 2009-5-26 82499 xianjxl 2016-5-26 14:33
多调制指数连续相位调制体制—军用遥测体制的新发展 attachment  ...2 kudzu 2007-7-20 104076 xphoenix 2016-5-26 10:02
Wireless Communications Principles and Practice一书的PPT讲义 attachment  ...234 tiankankan 2008-10-28 346035 caltech_usa 2016-5-25 10:46
[资料] Solutions Manual Wireless Communications Principles and Practice attachment  ...2 angelweishan 2011-4-11 133244 caltech_usa 2016-5-25 10:38
[原创] Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design & Engineering attach_img Jason.tschen 2016-1-31 41562 fyqy0813 2016-5-21 14:59
[下载]以dsp为核心的低功耗软件无线电结构  ...2345 liuiang 2003-11-6 4810657 fyqy0813 2016-5-21 14:55
网络通信的基础知识 attachment  ...23456..11 greycat 2003-8-18 10821280 Rainrun 2016-5-20 09:33
Robust frequency and timing synchronization for OFDM.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 12194 fwutsairlin 2016-5-19 16:40
New OFDM Synchronization Symbol for Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 11746 fwutsairlin 2016-5-19 16:38
[资料] 移动通信中双工器的设计与仿真 attachment  ...2 orkfire 2010-5-2 103443 xueba2014 2016-5-19 10:00
Timing and Frequency Synchronization issues for narrow band attachment  ...2 handchief581 2008-11-18 132897 platum66 2016-5-19 07:57
[资料] GPS信号强度量化论文和计算载噪比c/n0论文 attachment shufeng123 2013-7-11 22832 biglazyegg 2016-5-18 20:04
WiMAX.Handbook-Building.802.16.Wireless.Network attachment zweishi 2009-1-18 11319 ylry00 2016-5-18 16:58
[资料] Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified attachment dreamath 2010-1-28 32059 fwutsairlin 2016-5-18 16:06
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