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[资料] 5G Mobile Communications attach_img  ...2345 daemonstar 2018-11-14 418130 binnq 2024-5-8 16:04
一个零拷贝TCPIP协议栈的嵌入式操作系统(经典英文的) attachment  ...2 llxxjia 2009-4-1 134572 binnq 2024-5-8 15:16
[资料] 【2018 新书】Wireless Personal Communications:Simulation and Complexity attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-8-22 225410 binnq 2024-5-8 14:57
Equalization Concepts-- A Tutorial attachment  ...234 aeou 2008-10-29 387570 binnq 2024-5-8 14:53
[资料] 实用无线电设计书籍资料分享 attachment  ...2 329879762 2018-11-26 154734 binnq 2024-5-8 14:44
[原创] 2.4GHz 无线系统的全集成射频功能的射频前端单芯片-内部集成了(PA),(LNA) attach_img 动能世纪李工 2018-7-3 42295 binnq 2024-5-8 14:43
[资料] RedCap 如何适应 5G 和物联网时代 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-7 2925 binnq 2024-5-8 14:41
西蒙.赫金 通信系统(第4版 中文版) attachment  ...2345 tree101 2008-10-18 4114354 lutherliu 2024-5-7 14:58
[求助] 求书Communication Systems 5/E by Simon Haykin attachment  ...2345 hi_china59 2009-9-19 4518057 lutherliu 2024-5-7 11:55
[资料] 代数和编码 attachment  ...23 luyuan81 2010-2-28 249552 Ralphjh 2024-5-6 13:29
[资料] 丁奇的另一力作【大话移动通信】,绝对值得一看 attachment  ...234 fengxuheu 2014-3-13 309871 Ralphjh 2024-5-6 13:25
TCPIP详解 绝对的详细经典 attachment  ...23456..11 simonccn 2008-1-22 10624763 genhe 2024-5-6 09:41
新竹交通大學電信系訊號與系統上課完整講義 attachment  ...23 djo6j86j86 2009-11-25 266486 pinkoman 2024-5-4 02:14
[资料] 数字通信大牛 Cioffi 斯坦福教授 principles of digital communication 书(全) attachment  ...234 cnren 2011-5-25 3111232 oakay 2024-4-30 17:38
无线通信系统基带IC设计讲义 attachment  ...23456..18 无相无住 2009-5-2 17424675 Ralphjh 2024-4-30 16:21
[资料] 我也推荐一本书 ((相位噪声)) attachment  ...23456..7 nj8888 2012-8-13 6815148 Ralphjh 2024-4-30 16:15
[资料] 【2018书】New Directions in Wireless Communications Systems:From Mobile to 5G attach_img  ...23456 hsh22 2018-8-22 5711636 binnq 2024-4-26 17:25
[资料] Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications(单页版清晰版) attachment  ...23 kerberos 2013-6-12 235865 binnq 2024-4-26 17:15
[资料] UWB使用频段大幅收窄,新标准对于行业发展是好是坏? attachment Billmtk 2023-1-10 2929 binnq 2024-4-26 16:49
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[资料] 浅谈软件无线电的设计和测试 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-9 31185 binnq 2024-4-26 16:19
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[资料] 推荐NASA的好书《Propagation Effects Handbook for Satellite Systems Design》 attachment  ...23 zhaish 2012-10-13 2513212 binnq 2024-4-26 16:00
[资料] Channel Coding Theory, Algorithms, and Applications attach_img  ...23456..8 fwbnick 2014-12-13 7717971 binnq 2024-4-26 15:39
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[资料] Long Term Evolution IN BULLETS First Edition attach_img  ...23456..7 spwedasd 2014-4-22 6316314 binnq 2024-4-26 14:39
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[资料] Fundamentals of Kalman Filtering A Practical Approach, Third Edition+代码 attach_img  ...23456 陈豪俊 2011-3-27 5313452 binnq 2024-4-26 14:31
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[资料] Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering, Fifth Edition attachment  ...2 li.hacker000 2010-10-5 164122 binnq 2024-4-26 11:49
[资料] 【绝对好】MATLAB与通信 attachment  ...23456 feixuemeng 2011-5-6 5814604 binnq 2024-4-26 11:46
三本经典通信仿真的书  ...234 ZHLGS1980 2008-3-19 369011 binnq 2024-4-26 11:43
[资料] 现代无线通信(Modern Wireless Communication) Simon Haykin attachment  ...23456..9 wen1wu9 2010-4-15 8119198 binnq 2024-4-26 11:25
[资料] 5G无线资源 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-12 31196 binnq 2024-4-26 11:22
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