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[资料] 求 通信接收机原理与设计(第4版)电子版书籍 新人帖 530985381 2021-9-16 42589 abcliuya 2024-8-30 11:56
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[资料] 以太网——PHY、MAC和 MII基础知 ... attachment  ...2 Billmtk 2023-1-10 162750 neXtime 2024-8-26 15:13
Phase-Locked Loops: Design, Simulation, and Applications by Roland E. Best attachment  ...23456..25 li.hacker000 2008-1-18 24939268 da_xionggood 2024-8-25 22:20
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[资料] Mobile Communication Networks 5G and a Vision of 6G attach_img ccachi 2024-5-19 6694 coxswainy 2024-8-21 14:35
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Introduction to Spectral analysis经典教材:频谱分析 英文版 attachment  ...23456..17 hawke 2009-9-11 16624386 ricvadim 2024-8-17 19:35
[资料] UWB超宽带发展现状 attachment Billmtk 2023-1-3 41176 bookworm 2024-8-16 13:57
[资料] [好书] Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions 2009 attach_img  ...2 zhaish 2013-4-22 145398 lzzeng 2024-8-16 12:58
[资料] 《The Mathematics of Signal Processing》S.Damelin and W.Miller attachment  ...2345 彼岸幽光 2013-10-25 4011994 Ralphjh 2024-8-12 15:12
[资料] viterbi编解码原理和c仿真模型 attachment xdlrj 2011-6-29 93641 sayangcinta 2024-8-12 13:12
[资料] 现代通信原理 attachment wanpengic2012 2013-3-21 62286 hchen0730 2024-8-10 14:36
[资料] 6G 技术(2022新书):无线通信的新维度6G Enabling Technologies attach_img  ...23 zhaish 2023-8-27 242092 lutherliu 2024-8-8 17:41
[EBOOK]Phase Lock Techniques by F. M. Gardner attachment  ...23456..15 serene 2005-9-27 14227760 ricvadim 2024-8-6 22:01
[资料] 全数字接收机理论与技术——清晰扫描、无水印完整版 attachment  ...23456..22 superpig2b 2011-4-15 21244601 binnq 2024-8-6 18:01
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[资料] ESP系列MQTT数据通信 attachment lsalp 2018-6-15 32304 binnq 2024-8-6 17:58
Timing and Frequency Synchronization Issues attachment  ...234 ksling 2008-7-7 327799 binnq 2024-8-6 17:31
统计与自适应信号处理习题答案(Statistical and adaptive signal processing) attachment  ...23456..13 yanh_ncl 2009-6-13 12829505 binnq 2024-8-6 17:30
FFT VLSI attachment onthefly 2008-1-10 92873 binnq 2024-8-6 15:33
[资料] 经典原著《Microwave Mobile Communications》 attachment  ...23456..19 shawn_yangjx 2010-7-21 18837646 binnq 2024-8-6 15:29
[资料] Kalman Filter attachment  ...2 deepcore 2016-7-5 175607 binnq 2024-8-6 15:00
Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers by Umberto Mengali, Aldo N. D'A attachment  ...23456..53 serene 2005-3-10 52578286 binnq 2024-8-6 11:38
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[资料] Analog Circuit Design2003下载 新人帖 attachment 王呈 2024-8-4 2499 student321 2024-8-4 21:48
Design of Monolithic Phase-Locked Loops and Clock Recovery Circuits-A Tutorial attachment  ...23456..28 serene 2005-10-20 27546256 ricvadim 2024-8-2 21:28
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