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[资料] Signal Processing for 5G_ Algorithms and Implementations attachment  ...23456 marsld 2016-10-3 5315925 binnq 2024-4-16 11:15
[求助] 5G NR, Wi-Fi 6, and Bluetooth LE 5: A Primer on Smartphone Wireless Technologies myjobtel 2024-4-4 1464 sunllw 2024-4-16 09:30
[资料] Digital Communication 5th by John.G Proakis (25M pdf版本) attachment  ...23456..11 shawn_yangjx 2010-11-26 10432105 csfan007 2024-4-14 22:34
[资料] 面向卫星通信的6G通感算融合架构、技术与挑战 attachment  ...2 Billmtk 2023-1-17 122337 kuan 2024-4-14 19:23
Adaptive Power Amplier Linearization by DPD attachment  ...234 uestccf 2009-1-3 377554 kuan 2024-4-14 19:15
[资料] Near Field Communication (NFC): From Theory to Practice attachment  ...23456..7 cosmosd 2014-7-1 6117580 binnq 2024-4-12 17:56
[资料] TCP/IP详解-全三卷 attachment  ...2 sunyuanxin 2019-3-13 125378 binnq 2024-4-12 17:50
[资料] 高速总线interlaken LA协议 attachment exiaohu 2012-9-17 95781 vin3ent 2024-4-10 16:04
[资料] 频谱分析基础 attachment  ...23 martian618 2020-12-4 226811 chaijb2008 2024-4-9 10:32
[资料] Modern Radar Detection Theory attach_img  ...234 spwedasd 2016-8-30 329419 abc_def_ghi 2024-4-8 22:58
[资料] Tutorial on Reed-Solomon error correction coding 新人帖 attachment  ...2 cinolhw 2023-7-27 111550 zlhrsy 2024-4-7 09:41
《Bandwidth-Efficient Digital Modulation with Application to ....》 attachment  ...2345 johnsonni 2006-12-14 439639 zlhrsy 2024-4-7 09:40
Principles of Digital Transmission: With Wireless Applications attachment  ...23456..12 handchief581 2008-12-21 11321860 zzabc 2024-4-4 22:11
[原创] TRUE txt , Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd Edition) - [阅读权限 5]attach_img  ...2345 Jason.tschen 2015-12-8 48535 zzabc 2024-4-4 22:08
[资料] [2023][Wiley]5G and Beyond Wireless Communication Networks attach_img  ...2 Twonej 2023-10-25 151817 myjobtel 2024-4-4 17:15
【共享】Information theory and reliable communication---MIT Gallager attachment  ...23456..22 buptdove 2008-4-3 21636404 csfan007 2024-4-2 15:05
[资料] [2010 OFC/NFOEC研讨材料]100G–Challenges and Solutions attachment free2bird 2010-8-15 21710 hitprince 2024-3-30 15:23
[原创] 精准时间协议1588协议求spec 新人帖 forestchl 2024-3-25 0383 forestchl 2024-3-25 10:57
[资料] 使用SystemVUE完成无线通信系统的设计测试与实现 attachment  ...23456 平凡男士 2012-9-19 5012747 chillys 2024-3-14 21:34
经典好书——卫星通信工程Satellite.Communication.Engineering attachment  ...23456..10 daisy1314 2009-4-27 9524447 coxswainy 2024-3-13 21:52
[资料] 无线通信工程-清华大学姚彦教授PPT attachment  ...234 cwang_sh 2010-2-1 377466 ho_bo 2024-3-5 11:43
[资料] 信息论、推理与学习算法 英文版 attachment  ...23 mydmdm 2012-12-21 2010145 dannymu 2024-3-4 17:51
[资料] 奥本海姆 的信号与系统 高清课件 attachment  ...23 liuzhu3000 2016-4-27 2213699 guanxl 2024-2-29 22:20
[求助] 求书 无线通信仪表与测试应用 attach_img drjiachen 2011-3-26 52573 sutaotao2001 2024-2-29 03:30
[求助] 求Fundamentals Of Kalman Filtering: A Practical Approach第四版 jlqsczw_2007 2024-2-27 0628 jlqsczw_2007 2024-2-27 21:56
[资料] 计算机是怎样跑起来的_矢泽久雄著_2015 attach_img  ...2 MarioZ 2022-9-16 123199 yuanpin318 2024-2-26 10:12
[资料] 程序是怎样跑起来的_How_Program_Works_矢泽久雄著_2015 attach_img MarioZ 2022-12-13 91897 MarioZ 2024-2-26 09:21
推荐OFDM移动通信技术原理与应用 pdf attachment  ...23456..24 lvjianhua 2008-4-10 23937537 abcliuya 2024-2-20 14:42
W_CDMA系统中维特比译码器的FPGA实现.PDF attachment  ...2 jmgao2 2007-3-20 113843 tao-study 2024-2-18 15:39
[原创] 高速电路串行系统设计基础 attachment  ...2 ylry00 2011-4-10 127432 zhangyingui8 2024-2-18 11:04
[资料] A First Course in Probability (9th edition) By Ross (scanned) attachment  ...2 hi_china59 2017-2-11 147024 andyfan 2024-2-17 19:05
[原创] Theory and Design of Digital Communication Systems[剑桥出版] attachment  ...23456..7 zhou_li 2011-8-31 6015115 wendy235711 2024-2-15 13:32
[资料] Signals And Systems (信号与系统)----Rernd Girod attachment  ...23456..18 xinhunlei 2009-12-27 17942345 lutherliu 2024-2-8 23:03
Interpolation in Digital Modems(数字模型中的插值问题) attachment  ...2345 zhyhui123 2008-4-9 428336 sajes2013 2024-2-7 13:49
[原创] LTE经典资料,适合初学者 - [阅读权限 1]attachment  ...23 lin850306 2015-4-11 267903 fengyun01 2024-2-4 11:52
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