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TCL历史 attachment xiiaobb 2009-2-3 02648 xiiaobb 2009-2-3 23:59
A novel fractal patch antenna attachment ntynty2002 2009-1-28 11662 jimyh 2009-2-3 17:06
Altera FPGA_CPLD设计 高级篇.part2.rar attachment lrp2009 2008-8-27 51545 lixqing 2009-2-3 09:02
论文: 语音专用集成电路设计集锦 attachment jiangnancai 2007-3-14 22285 chocheng 2009-2-2 08:19
Intel在2008IDF公布最新产品线路图(专家技术演讲稿免费下载) attachment kinglin 2008-11-20 43223 samkid 2009-1-30 13:18
发个我现在学的东东 intel Threading building Blocks attachment coolwall 2009-1-9 12344 afour 2009-1-29 15:59
VLSI Circuit Design Methodology Demystified zweishi 2009-1-28 01447 zweishi 2009-1-28 17:43
吉林大学半导体物理.rar attachment  ...2 DSUN 2008-1-13 194156 hhc81000 2009-1-28 17:26
看完就会quartus的资料 hsuda876 2009-1-25 21806 hhc81000 2009-1-28 17:25
剑桥08新书Digital Integrated Circuit Design attachment zweishi 2009-1-28 01487 zweishi 2009-1-28 17:24
看完就会quartus的资料 hsuda876 2009-1-25 21848 hhc81000 2009-1-28 17:19
Structured Design for Embedded Parallel Systems attachment zweishi 2009-1-27 11783 yangli 2009-1-28 12:00
有没有专门讲述FPGA设计的书啊? riku 2009-1-27 01545 riku 2009-1-27 21:22
[Academic Press] 3G Evolution HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband attachment zweishi 2008-8-15 31625 huatiantian 2009-1-27 12:17
北航夏宇闻verilog讲稿--超级好(2) attachment meteorbird 2007-3-10 52972 song_song78 2009-1-27 08:11 一个新建的集成电路设计网站 wxxuzhong 2009-1-26 01793 wxxuzhong 2009-1-26 11:38
test of ASIC (介绍的很全面,很明白) attachment  ...2 lonlypp 2009-1-14 113505 hgwjimmy 2009-1-25 15:10
主成分分析算法的FPGA实现 attachment hsuda876 2009-1-25 01692 hsuda876 2009-1-25 13:58
一个很好的集成电路设计网站 wxxuzhong 2009-1-22 01223 wxxuzhong 2009-1-22 19:10
SystemVerilog的端口联接 attachment fzfh1219 2007-12-16 82850 opqfeixue 2009-1-21 17:31
system verilog 简介 attachment jhliu99 2007-9-19 32199 opqfeixue 2009-1-21 17:19
一个qq的syplify9.6.1的下载地址 就是很难连接,10日内有效 aresgyh 2008-11-23 11862 demonyh 2009-1-20 17:25
求Design of Cost-Efficient Network-on-Chip Architectures:The Spidergon STNoC一书 gmdu 2008-9-16 57118 porpoise 2009-1-20 16:11
asic timing 学习资料 attachment jeromeh 2007-7-12 52126 yuhaiqun2008 2009-1-20 15:00
Verification Methodology Manual for System Verilog (SystemVerilog) cfriend 2007-12-1 52603 cancerzero 2009-1-20 10:21
verification methodology manual for systemverilog part9~10 attachment zlhrsy 2006-7-4 23264 cancerzero 2009-1-20 10:19
verification methodology manual for systemverilog part4 attachment zlhrsy 2006-7-4 32521 cancerzero 2009-1-20 10:12
用VHDL实现虚拟数字集成电路的故障检测 attachment oak100 2009-1-19 01915 oak100 2009-1-19 11:52
第六章调频波.doc attachment liqibing16 2009-1-19 02456 liqibing16 2009-1-19 11:43
SyetemVerilog For Verification (Second Edition) attachment beny75 2009-1-19 01620 beny75 2009-1-19 10:24
The Verilog Hardware Description Language attachment chocobocn 2007-11-26 43416 black_lotus 2009-1-18 22:08
cadence中文资料(4M ZIP文件) attachment  ...23 volcanozhd 2008-5-11 255925 netking 2009-1-16 20:14
Springer - Algorithms and Data Structures in VLSI Design) mygod200 2009-1-16 11909 mygod200 2009-1-16 20:08
stc单片机在线编程软件 attachment chyuge 2009-1-16 02960 chyuge 2009-1-16 17:29
实用电子电路精选 attachment chevroletss 2008-6-24 21799 ws.yu 2009-1-16 16:13
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