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[资料] 电源管理芯片产业报告分享 attach_img 芯电图 2024-5-15 3747 伪界 2024-5-16 15:32
[资料] vcs dve ucli入门教程 attachment  ...23456..7 萧风客 2015-7-29 6925298 binnq 2024-5-16 11:57
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[原创] 一种独热码检测电路 attachment supermanqc 2024-5-9 5836 binnq 2024-5-16 09:19
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[资料] Introduction to Logic Circuits Logic Design,3rd Ver. @2024 attach_img  ...2345 2046 2023-12-23 403737 ricvadim 2024-5-16 07:51
[资料] Understanding Metastability in FPGAs attachment ty_xiumud 2024-5-7 5687 binnq 2024-5-15 17:47
FPGA设计的四种常用思想与技巧 attachment  ...23456..8 coland 2008-5-22 7710998 binnq 2024-5-15 17:32
[资料] IC设计经典教材HDL Chip Design (OCR识别版) attach_img  ...23456..9 zhongxg 2011-7-10 8325314 binnq 2024-5-15 17:17
[资料] High-Speed Serial I/O Made Simple 高速串行I/O接口设计 attachment  ...2 moonie22 2016-7-12 185323 binnq 2024-5-15 16:52
[资料] 感謝網絡好心人分享 芯片簡史好書! attachment eisbergeisberg 2023-9-20 81392 binnq 2024-5-15 16:50
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[资料] Top-Down Digital VLSI Design from MorganKaufmann attach_img  ...23456..9 xudeqiang 2017-9-7 8020643 binnq 2024-5-15 16:32
[资料] 当通信遇上FPGA~推荐此书!  ...234 小屌丝 2015-6-9 3413915 binnq 2024-5-15 16:13
悬赏 [求助] 跪求文档《DWC_pcie_ctl_dm_databook》 - [已解决]  ...23 IC.Michael 2020-1-7 2411482 binnq 2024-5-15 15:57
[资料] 华为Verilog HDL入门教程 attachment eecourse 2016-1-19 64416 zixin1hao 2024-5-15 13:54
[原创] 数字设计与计算机体系结构 attachment  ...23456..8 醉里飞霜 2020-6-3 7219094 binnq 2024-5-15 13:54
[资料] 高级ASIC芯片综合(第2版)张文俊翻译版 attachment  ...23456..8 ray21880 2018-9-20 7321029 ic886 2024-5-15 12:12
逻辑设计基础(原书第五版)Fundamentals of Logic Design5th Edition配套光盘 attachment  ...23456..8 zgq800712 2009-6-20 7327711 nickkao 2024-5-15 11:29
OpenVera的语言参考手册 attachment  ...23 gpanyh 2007-11-10 204282 时之沙 2024-5-15 11:03
[原创] 自己整理的GVIM常用快捷键 attachment  ...2 夏尔 2019-11-29 152934 ic886 2024-5-14 23:12
[资料] cache memory 王齐 attachment  ...2 etomaster 2022-1-27 195503 binnq 2024-5-14 14:17
CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies zweishi 2008-11-11 42219 binnq 2024-5-14 13:58
[资料] FPGA Verilog开发实战指南/FPGA实战训练精粹/FPGA应用技术教程 attach_img  ...2 邝卓宇 2024-1-1 121446 品博锦取_2021 2024-5-14 11:26
【经典08新书】无线通信FPGA设计(清晰PDF版) attachment agree  ...23456..230 xiaoshi 2009-4-24 2293193307 品博锦取_2021 2024-5-14 11:23
[资料] 异步电路设计书籍学习分享 attachment  ...23 Rico_Luo 2024-1-22 252288 品博锦取_2021 2024-5-14 11:21
[资料] Handbook Of Digital CMOS Technology, Circuits, And Systems 新人帖 attachment  ...2 hadd 2020-10-13 112585 skahill 2024-5-14 09:20
[资料] Ultralow Power 8T Subthreshold SRAM Cell attachment  ...2 CWbrother 2021-12-23 102565 warewise6836 2024-5-13 22:45
[资料] 发一本书,verilog HDL综合实用教程,J.Bhasker的书 attachment  ...23456..8 zhusichao_88 2011-4-3 7217751 binnq 2024-5-13 18:00
[资料] 更正--转发--数字信号处理的FPGA实现(第3版)中文pdf及源码 attach_img  ...23456..15 liang_20120830 2018-6-27 14033267 binnq 2024-5-13 17:57
[求助] 求书《Readings in hardware/software co-design》 attachment  ...2 m1mc 2023-10-5 141982 i_test 2024-5-13 17:48
[资料] 【2021】ASIC Design and Synthesis. RTL Design Using Verilog attachment  ...23456..8 RFstudent 2021-9-4 7213386 i_test 2024-5-13 16:54
[资料] MATLAB编程(第二版,中文)-Stephen J. Chapman 著 attachment  ...2 liguchu 2024-4-24 131157 i_test 2024-5-13 16:37
[原创] Processing-in-Memory for AI:From Circuits to Systems.Springer.2023 attachment  ...234 wuende 2023-3-24 334944 i_test 2024-5-13 16:30
many primetime workshop and labs attachment  ...23456..22 xiantongma 2009-4-4 21633445 dong5103 2024-5-13 13:47
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