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[资料] Verilog 和 VHDL 語言互相轉換 attachment  ...2345 samsax123 2010-1-22 4915163 dignity 2018-12-11 17:05
[资料] 搜集的加法器的论文,需要的就下载吧 attachment  ...2 chen.terry 2011-11-12 184492 张大大大 2018-12-11 16:09
强力推荐:高性能加法器与乘法器的实现  ...23 opqrst 2007-2-6 216541 张大大大 2018-12-11 16:02
ALTER FPGA_CPLD设计 基础篇(带光碟资料)----PDF文档有书签哦! attachment  ...23456..15 yangzk 2009-5-19 14129819 Andy126 2018-12-11 15:33
[原创] 自己写的PWM原理的呼吸灯程序(verilog) attachment fkl523 2016-1-25 95432 fkl523 2018-12-11 14:50
VHDL学习视频教程 attachment  ...23456..27 晨曦4218 2007-6-14 26544274 yzntcj 2018-12-11 14:32
[资料] ★华为FPGA设计高级技巧Xilinx篇 attachment  ...23 zjllh 2015-7-7 204407 yzntcj 2018-12-11 14:28
[分享]FPGA与CPLD的区别 sagestar 2005-1-26 94216 Andy126 2018-12-11 14:23
[资料] Xilinx_ISE_大学计划使用教程PPT_1 attachment  ...23 一个人游 2010-11-4 205316 ljz635431337 2018-12-11 14:18
[资料] DE2-115 最新原理图 attachment hjblfl 2014-4-1 32692 liuchengan 2018-12-11 09:51
[资料] 有关时序setup,hold,skew,jitter attachment  ...23456..11 ys82 2011-2-23 10320615 814616418 2018-12-10 20:53
[ebook]《数字信号处理教程》(程佩清) attachment  ...2345 genghis 2009-10-25 4511599 lgg603 2018-12-10 09:19
全定制高性能微处理器FPGA仿真验证辅助软件设计 attachment gongxiao 2009-11-6 42749 ddm311 2018-12-9 23:14
[原创] Digital System Verification: A Combined Formal Methods and Simulation Framework attach_img  ...2 siroos90 2011-12-29 144546 lidongfang0375 2018-12-9 18:13
[资料] 基于EDK的FPGA嵌入式系统开发 attachment zjllh 2015-7-7 92003 handoujack 2018-12-8 21:37
彩色高清版-Tanner.Pro.集成电路设计与布局实战指导.pdf attachment  ...23456..13 xuyo 2009-10-27 12721871 babikambing 2018-12-8 09:55
Solid State Electronics attachment  ...2 wgj39 2007-1-12 114402 jingxin_xd 2018-12-7 23:13
[资料] 求 IEEE 1735 加密协议的PDF文件 争取拿到退休金 2018-12-6 11385 争取拿到退休金 2018-12-7 09:15
[资料] BUFG,IBUFG,BUFGP,IBUFGDS的介绍 attachment allen820 2014-11-23 93949 jiajie0628 2018-12-7 08:48
[资料] 异步电路设计的两篇牛文 attachment  ...234 liurh123 2011-2-26 387919 chinaqu 2018-12-6 12:36
Future Directions in High Performance Computing attachment jimxiao 2008-9-20 62259 小丁 2018-12-6 12:33
夏宇文 verilog 经典教程 attachment  ...234 quirinus 2008-11-24 379625 fangzhoucome 2018-12-6 09:06
[资料] 日本某公司开发的SpaceWire 节点IP核 attachment zhaoyun6057 2014-11-30 42461 vagin-ay 2018-12-6 00:19
[资料] Verilog教程课件分享 attachment nuaajp 2018-11-13 62172 dfjh1234 2018-12-5 21:48
[原创] Quartus II 10.1破解器10.1 and SP1 attachment  ...23456..8 半人小马 2011-10-1 7421970 yubeizr 2018-12-5 11:31
[原创] SDx(SDSoC、SDAccel、SDNet)的正式License  ...2 fpga2018 2018-4-17 146087 wanghl_beijing 2018-12-5 11:29
FSM标准写法(westor著) attachment  ...23456..8 nightyboy 2008-11-14 7318796 QQben 2018-12-5 10:07
WISHBONE 总线规范 attachment  ...2 rayer 2009-4-22 165888 风释怀 2018-12-5 09:24
[资料] 【Xilinx工具】状态机生成器 attachment  ...2345 FPGAASICII 2012-5-16 4110750 qian15 2018-12-4 22:46
[资料] synopsys ip核管理生成工具 coretool-2011.06-sp1 用户手册及软件 attachment happy2050 2018-12-4 01866 happy2050 2018-12-4 17:12
[资料] Xilinx最新官方培训视频教程:FPGA功耗管理设计技巧介绍,强烈推荐!!! attachment 智慧棒 2011-12-11 62364 xpabc2000 2018-12-4 14:21
濾波器 設計原理 attachment h85079505 2009-9-11 72854 QQben 2018-12-4 09:07
[原创] Recommanded coding styles for altera devices attachment cxa 2018-12-1 32961 tu_yjq123 2018-12-2 21:30
[资料] 图像放大缩小 attachment fengyangxiang 2018-11-9 31636 babikambing 2018-12-2 09:46
[资料] verilog国外经典教材 attachment nuaajp 2018-11-13 82615 ayamitek 2018-12-2 09:43
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