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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 4 |主题: 40649|排名: 1 

hspice_vA-2008.03的license attachment lijiangong218 2009-10-19 82024 xinhe0717 2011-5-3 12:20
Artech2007-OFDM Towards Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access attachment  ...2 woainio 2008-10-7 152638 sunnynsj 2011-5-3 01:16
Defect-Oriented Testing for Nano-Metric CMOS VLSI Circuits attachment  ...2 h11ws6mc0oo 2007-8-11 182999 sararen 2011-5-3 00:06
Challenges in the design high-speed clock and data recovery circuits attachment  ...2 qiushidaren 2006-11-2 113493 slj0716 2011-5-2 22:33
high speed circuit design attachment xj007 2008-5-4 81445 slj0716 2011-5-2 22:28
A 10-bit, 100 MS/s CMOS A/D Converter(by Abidi) attachment  ...2 semico_ljj 2006-11-28 164785 jingxin_xd 2011-5-2 20:53
Abidi学生Hui Pan的ADC论文,很牛 yeziwong 2008-7-15 72838 jingxin_xd 2011-5-2 20:44
IEEE上关于运放的经典paper attachment  ...2 hoken 2008-5-14 192318 C.E.Shannon 2011-5-2 20:22
功率因素校正 attachment foriner 2008-8-2 92005 ralphtw 2011-5-2 12:47
音频放大器参数THD+N+N什么意思 zhanglanjun 2007-11-29 33231 ralphtw 2011-5-2 12:42
北京大学集成电路设计实习 attachment  ...2 pickpunk 2009-1-1 163025 yidemon 2011-5-2 05:22
ISSCC 2008 D11: Optical Communication attachment  ...23 casdvo 2008-2-14 263229 C.E.Shannon 2011-5-2 03:23
[原创] 補償兩個重要設計參考 attachment st912458 2010-1-29 32150 chengmin 2011-5-2 02:35
[资料] 电容式感测技术文件 attachment saysayliam 2010-3-4 11537 chengmin 2011-5-2 02:34
频率合成 attachment nesta 2009-3-9 82194 ersync 2011-5-2 02:17
High-pass data converter attachment jswon 2008-1-8 11485 chengmin 2011-5-2 01:50
[资料] PLL 设计精华集锦文章 attachment  ...2 whuchzhh 2011-3-13 104457 chengmin 2011-5-2 01:28
清华余志平 RF CMOS 讲义(最大附件上传) attachment  ...23 marsf 2008-3-27 223259 lch1020 2011-5-1 23:23
[求助] 请教一个托马斯.李书中关于噪声的相关系数的问题,想了很久,不明白。求高手解答。 attach_img flyawayfc 2011-5-1 01946 flyawayfc 2011-5-1 20:32
Analog BiCMOS Design attachment fengasic 2007-4-7 31405 chengmin 2011-5-1 20:24
hspice 2008.03 devmod manual attachment  ...2345 jakyee 2008-3-21 435705 peter0426 2011-5-1 17:12
低压检测LVD资料 attachment  ...2 mousemao 2007-8-22 123157 lch1020 2011-5-1 15:32
book-phd-【ESD】 attachment  ...2 andyjackcao 2008-11-23 142721 bt01234 2011-5-1 14:05
[求助] 各位达人,小弟求一本书 liuleng123 2011-4-29 31270 hellowlyb 2011-5-1 12:13
[原创] 欢迎加入iphone开发群,QQ:90860352,一起我们的创业梦想. andrei 2011-5-1 01233 andrei 2011-5-1 12:10
开关电源原理 attachment taoying 2009-10-18 61237 你是我的人 2011-5-1 10:26
[资料] Book Amp Design Tutorial attachment DHB1223 2011-4-30 21497 chujn 2011-5-1 10:24
[资料] Optical Networks A Practical Perspective 电子书 attachment  ...2 wmgwmg 2011-1-18 122153 C.E.Shannon 2011-5-1 04:09
信号处理与过抽样转换器 attachment  ...2 zhifang 2007-6-10 163177 bhtom58 2011-4-30 06:11
射频电路设计 中文版经典教材分享啦 attachment  ...23 pan419456371 2008-11-2 244113 bhtom58 2011-4-30 04:16
[资料] 清华大学高级集成电路讲义 attachment  ...2 fsx 2011-1-6 122450 liuleng123 2011-4-29 21:21
RF 测试 attachment rongshuxia888 2009-6-22 51592 rongshuxia888 2011-4-29 19:04
ADC METASTABILITY _paper attachment kevinwjs 2008-3-25 41729 燕园枫叶 2011-4-29 15:49
[资料] How to Write a Paper_Mike Ashby_6th Edition attachment lihaixi 2011-4-14 61886 myliao0313 2011-4-29 13:54
[资料] How to write a good Journal of Solid State Circuits paper attachment tony8261 2011-3-9 92382 myliao0313 2011-4-29 13:48
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