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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 139 |主题: 39740|排名: 1 

OverView--using the lateral SCR devices in CMOS IC_1999 attachment semico_ljj 2007-10-31 21364 surf668 2011-2-12 09:00
[原创] 【取消】【Cambridge】Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices(2nd,2009)  ...2 zengqinghe 2010-11-24 103274 q_t_y 2011-2-11 13:12
[原创] Design Through Verilog Hdl (Ieee - 2004) Pdf.pdf attachment fort2121 2010-7-14 41265 nachalsa 2011-2-11 11:35
[资料] 短中長期LED發展藍圖 attachment kenny6886 2010-6-28 61165 pangao_cd 2011-2-11 10:16
锁相环PLL( CMOS PLL Synthesizers) attachment  ...2 hunter123 2009-11-30 182793 liuzhieetop 2011-2-11 06:58
LIU - Analysis and Design of Phase Locked Loops (PLL & DLL) attachment  ...23456..9 jfyan 2008-3-29 819272 kyle333 2011-2-10 08:54
[资料] cadence官方文档(corner analysis, monte carlo, Ocean, Layout, spectre, Matlab) attachment  ...234 zhuyun_zizy 2010-11-28 3921917 superrabbit 2011-2-9 19:01
"Bit Synchronization Talk 1988," J.A. Crawford. attachment allenlu2006 2009-9-18 21596 caltech_usa 2011-2-9 18:28
[原创] PLL入门经典力作 attachment  ...2345 huasheng2008 2010-7-13 486157 freshfishyt 2011-2-9 17:05
IEEE的几篇ANALOG的经典必看文章!! attachment  ...23456 lc13 2006-10-29 586320 feixiangbuluo 2011-2-9 15:25
UNIX基础教程 attachment space 2009-10-20 71787 sex 2011-2-9 13:27
推荐:Analog Circuits Cookbook 2nded HICKMAN下载 attachment  ...2 hjzelec 2007-4-3 153164 PangShifeng 2011-2-9 13:26
[资料] process, modeling, device and power introduction attach_img suk.qi 2011-1-28 42074 jinyexing 2011-2-9 02:26
业界关于PLL的几个文档集-172页 attachment  ...23 small_zj 2009-5-23 263505 greenlsh 2011-2-6 16:23
仪器仪表放大器应用工程师指南第二版 attachment  ...2 sean_4413 2007-6-1 122803 raul_111 2011-2-6 13:58
[原创] (Artech House,1990)Introduction to the Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction attachment  ...2 caltech_usa 2009-12-20 114524 anxifu2001 2011-2-6 13:49
[原创] Lekage in deep sub micron attachment arrow4arrow 2011-2-4 13475 scorpion 2011-2-5 14:31
Analog_Integrated_Circuits_for_Communication attachment chrisdy 2008-6-19 41705 joeden99 2011-2-4 21:24
[US Patent] Maximum VCC calculation method for hot carrier qualification attachment suk.qi 2008-7-21 32064 smallstone 2011-2-3 08:19
Candence calibre后仿真 attachment  ...23456..14 zhanghao301 2009-10-19 13625879 basildy 2011-2-2 21:27
Berkeley 2007 Ph.D thesis about ADC attachment  ...23 schwu 2008-7-3 244456 scu01 2011-2-2 19:59
[原创] CMOS模拟集成电路与仿真.pdf attachment  ...2 flyawayfc 2010-12-10 192486 qingyunz 2011-2-2 17:57
[资料] 分享hspice的一些入门资料 attachment huseahai 2010-4-27 61786 googdhacker 2011-2-2 14:54
[原创] 关于美国Motorola Richard Li 老师的讲义资料 attachment 刘想0823 2010-8-19 41684 charles2000k 2011-2-2 14:11
加州大学伯克利Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Analysis attachment  ...23456..7 stanleyy 2008-9-9 609092 poweron111 2011-2-1 12:11
[资料] 200多个IC厂家的芯片图标 attachment  ...2 danpian 2010-12-2 165989 nslnsl 2011-2-1 10:39
射频电路设计 attachment  ...2 liyingsong 2008-3-12 112775 xqjtop 2011-1-31 21:16
[资料] Pozar Microwave engineering 3rd solution attachment jj12345678 2010-11-15 31633 兔兔兔兔8796 2011-1-31 21:14
analog circuit course attachment  ...2345 iyahsue 2007-12-31 405661 midfield 2011-1-31 19:26
ADS Quick Start attachment ggyy1216 2007-11-26 32336 nslnsl 2011-1-31 11:31
[资料] 点读机T500技术资料 attachment mich_zh 2011-1-23 31165 ni3131 2011-1-30 20:23
[原创] MCP79 离子平台原理图 attachment andyxie 2011-1-14 21399 ni3131 2011-1-30 20:20
[求助] 請問哪位大大有IC設計牛人Bruce A. Wooley的學生博士論文呢 azen812 2011-1-30 01735 azen812 2011-1-30 17:21
[资料] 关于Cadence 的的drc文件的用法 flyawayfc 2011-1-17 26286 dufulibai 2011-1-30 16:00
低频电子线路(不想看模电的就看这个吧) attachment zweishi 2009-1-30 21108 haha2000 2011-1-30 15:06
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