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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 18 |主题: 41111|排名: 1 

[原创] Fixed lmhostid license for Synopsys EDA x81717 2012-3-22 12188 lhyi 2012-3-23 13:59
[求助] 100信元跪求论文 “Studies of EOS susceptibility in 0.6 μm nMOS ESD...” analogmind 2012-3-21 21311 analogmind 2012-3-23 13:58
[求助] 100信元跪求论文 "Electrical Overstress Power Profiles: ..." analogmind 2012-3-21 211705 analogmind 2012-3-23 13:56
Big Volume!!18GB的Engineering eBook地址!!  ...2345 benemale 2007-12-7 427078 superlazer 2012-3-23 10:45
大量免费eBook服务器!速度很不错的!  ...23456 benemale 2007-12-14 578530 superlazer 2012-3-23 10:34
[资料] isscc 会议光盘 wuxiang97 2012-3-23 01587 wuxiang97 2012-3-23 00:01
模拟IC设计培训教材 attachment  ...234 zhangc03 2008-6-9 3511262 nic8862000 2012-3-22 22:03
清华大学ic设计系列18 attachment stanleyy 2008-5-12 11371 ee8 2012-3-22 18:30
半导体工艺学习材料 attachment  ...23 zb5700 2007-4-2 234039 zhaoshatong 2012-3-22 12:49
[求助] 100信元跪求论文 "Study of triggering inhomogeneities..." attachment analogmind 2012-3-21 31635 analogmind 2012-3-22 12:21
[求助] 100信元跪求论文 "Correlation between EOS customer..." attachment analogmind 2012-3-21 21400 analogmind 2012-3-22 12:20
[原创] Paper on Comprehensive ESD protection for RF inputs attachment lisiaopao 2012-3-22 01499 lisiaopao 2012-3-22 09:46
[原创] Cadence版图设计 attachment  ...2 flyawayfc 2010-11-25 132515 25536573 2012-3-21 22:10
电压调谐带通滤波器的设计研究.pdf attachment lyg0414 2007-2-1 21875 xidianstudent 2012-3-21 10:22
[原创] HSPICE 的LICENSE到底是个什么规律 konglinggang 2012-3-20 01422 konglinggang 2012-3-20 16:15
[资料] 最新的LNA的文章,大多是2012年的 geliangnju 2012-3-19 43540 wujianqiu 2012-3-20 12:41
Low Voltage High Speed Switched Capacitor Circuit Design attachment  ...2 gingerjxb 2009-1-24 163680 heeda 2012-3-20 11:43
[原创] pll设计资料大全 attachment  ...2 xaut 2010-12-2 134392 aaawxg 2012-3-20 11:32
数字集成电路设计透视 (二)资料 attachment  ...23456..7 goldosky 2007-2-26 6210380 ppy123 2012-3-19 22:46
25位最具影响力的IC人物  ...23456 louwf 2007-2-14 5010409 keykeyi 2012-3-19 22:22
[资料] ISSCC2012 RF论文 attachment skymusic 2012-3-11 21589 598941088 2012-3-19 14:35
分享好东西高频电源变压器磁芯的设计原理 attachment lianglei1974 2009-12-7 81872 leonken460 2012-3-19 14:15
发两本书,Hspice使用指南 attachment  ...23456 charmkid 2009-1-21 527049 yyyfstc 2012-3-19 13:45
[资料] 6b 1.3G flash AD attachment wltob1020 2012-3-19 01521 wltob1020 2012-3-19 13:30
[原创] mf rc500 harryyaohua 2012-3-15 12060 ruinsnku 2012-3-19 13:26
[求助] 大家帮忙鉴定下这个是正常安装的Hspice界面吗? attach_img Susanna1989 2011-1-18 82790 wjx197733 2012-3-18 16:55
[资料] 信元要怎么赚! fangjiedong2011 2012-1-13 31650 ssa480 2012-3-18 09:08
本人收集的经典rail to rail论文 attachment  ...2 kevinliu_2008 2008-6-16 133517 夏天里的绿荫 2012-3-17 19:29
[资料] 带自动调谐的有源RC滤波器设计 attachment suxiaoxin 2012-3-6 15446 xidianstudent 2012-3-17 16:07
[资料] Pozer Microwave Engineering 3rd Edition attachment analoglover 2012-1-5 51841 billxy 2012-3-17 15:07
Hspice B-2008.09 license.dat 测试可用~~~ attachment  ...23 deepblue1178 2009-6-18 234575 Alwayszyy 2012-3-17 14:36
Microwave Engineering 3e - David M Pozar - Solutions Manual attachment  ...2345 czn 2007-5-4 446493 billxy 2012-3-17 14:14
The RF and microwave handbook attachment  ...23456..9 ananan 2007-1-9 8211522 blilix 2012-3-17 14:02
Spectre仿真器在集成电路设计自动化中的应用 大唐微电子 attachment  ...23456 tonggz 2007-5-11 506850 mastosh 2012-3-17 13:08
[资料] 学习ALLEN书本上的SPICE模型和spectre模型 attachment wapoca 2012-3-16 12546 yuanfengseu 2012-3-17 09:42
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