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[资料] 机器学习理论导引(周志华等) @2020 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-16 192600 wc_buaa 2024-1-6 12:46
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[资料] Python深度学习-弗朗索瓦•肖莱 attach_img  ...2 邝卓宇 2024-1-3 121158 im.leo 2024-1-4 15:06
[资料] 《多智能体机器学习:强化学习方法》中文翻译版pdf attachment lans0625 2024-1-2 4529 wendy235711 2024-1-3 16:44
[资料] chatGPT背后的硬件需求 juhuapaul 2023-4-12 21288 omnik 2023-12-29 18:28
[资料] Artificial Intelligence An Introduction for the Inquisitive Reader @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 122014 sunil4u 2023-12-18 23:43
[资料] Artificial Intelligence with Python @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 112036 sunil4u 2023-12-18 23:42
[资料] Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-20 192708 sunil4u 2023-12-18 23:40
[资料] AI经典PPT(必读!) attach_img agree  ...23456..8 固执的寻觅 2019-6-2 7526451 communicator 2023-12-8 20:16
[资料] 机器人学导论_JohnJ.Craig attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-18 123281 sutaotao2001 2023-12-4 01:18
[资料] 斯坦福CS230官方指南:CNN、RNN及使用技巧速查 attachment  ...2 totuwei 2019-11-4 114970 straw 2023-11-20 13:42
[资料] Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals and Applications @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-19 222765 lutherliu 2023-11-16 09:35
[资料] AI for Cars @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-12-10 193479 piao 2023-11-13 21:24
[资料] 憶阻器計算 新人帖 attachment rainman19288 2020-2-7 912913 lutherliu 2023-11-13 14:35
[资料] 人工智能资料汇总及分享——不定时更新 attachment  ...23456..12 391349683 2018-2-1 11130305 caodiren 2023-10-23 14:56
[资料] 人工智能硬件学习资料--鲁汶大学 attachment  ...23456..10 zhanghui110 2019-3-27 9352899 yysy 2023-10-16 15:23
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[资料] Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications - Computationa... attachment  ...2 hadd 2020-10-13 169102 piao 2023-10-6 16:22
[资料] 一小时Python入门 attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 63444 piao 2023-10-6 00:40
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[资料] 统计学习方法第二版+李航著 attachment 日晨难再 2023-9-28 0729 日晨难再 2023-9-28 19:15
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[资料] 《统计机器学习导论》中文翻译版 attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-9-11 156255 wendy235711 2023-9-6 16:39
[资料] 《Python机器学习》中文翻译版 attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-9-8 134545 E_S 2023-9-2 11:42
[资料] python入门书籍 attachment zoyoyh 2023-9-1 1844 tom0626 2023-9-1 21:24
[资料] 牛津大学2021-神经微分方程博士论文 attachment chq_yanxue 2022-3-21 73254 Billmtk 2023-8-28 23:33
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[原创] Python 核心編程 第三版 中文 attachment  ...234 tamtamchien 2018-7-19 3726939 zhsh94 2023-8-18 07:23
[资料] Mathematics for mathine learning 机器学习中的数学 attach_img  ...2345 darrenxu 2020-3-16 4016682 sutaotao2001 2023-8-6 22:32
[资料] 斯坦福CS217课程--深度学习硬件设计 attachment  ...23 jl1374141105 2022-12-16 294014 sutaotao2001 2023-8-5 03:53
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[资料] Programming Massively Parallel Processors【第三版练习题答案】 attachment huikong2013 2023-8-4 11092 huikong2013 2023-8-4 15:19
[资料] 8 Steps to 3.7 TFLOP/s on NVIDIA V100 GPU: Roofline Analysis and Other Tricks attachment huikong2013 2023-8-3 1707 dcircuit 2023-8-3 20:45
[资料] Implementing AI Systems @2021 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-12 182353 tamtamchien 2023-7-13 17:10
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