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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 0|主题: 570|排名: 201 

版主: spwedasd
[资料] 机器学习_ 学习笔记 (all in one) attachment  ...2 spark.zhao 2019-9-29 168576 omnik 2021-11-22 21:55
[求助] 求新书Person Re-identification with Limited Supervision电子版 guo@hust 2021-10-28 22949 guo@hust 2021-11-11 23:13
[讨论] Computing in Memory 是整合DRAM 跟 LOGIC ? andy2000a 2019-12-5 13292 piao 2021-11-3 23:19
[活动] 网站好 guo@hust 2021-10-27 12906 demonhunter 2021-10-27 14:59
[资料] 《Python大战机器学习》 attach_img lans0625 2021-9-10 41934 ahhanliang 2021-10-19 14:59
[资料] 《TensorFlow白话深度学习与TensorFlow》中文翻译版 attach_img lans0625 2021-10-1 55559 jfeta 2021-10-19 09:06
[资料] Python 入门资料,覆盖eb开发、数据分析、机器学习、深度学习、金融量化 attachment  ...23 spark.zhao 2019-11-28 2112768 omnik 2021-10-17 09:58
[资料] cs229d 斯坦福大学机器学习课程个人笔记完整版 attachment  ...23456..7 lipinshengxp 2017-12-10 6319893 xbboy 2021-10-5 14:04
[原创] 嘉立创PCB生产教材免费赠送 attachment  ...23 luoxiao1116 2018-3-29 2214474 lans0625 2021-10-4 22:33
[资料] Formation of KNbO3 Thin Films for Self-Powered ReRAM Devices and Artificial Synapses attachment hadd 2020-10-13 85427 jw216 2021-9-15 22:25
[资料] 一本书 Learning scikit-learn:Machine Learning in Python attachment  ...234 haozei 2018-1-25 3218935 cdting 2021-8-23 02:11
[原创] 友谊帖-Python数据挖掘入门与实践-请随意 attachment  ...2 royct 2019-4-22 1317800 zz_3070 2021-8-10 14:42
[求助] 求兼职图像识别算法工程师 flyioneer 2018-3-30 15044 j200681106 2021-7-28 10:17
[求助] 有没有人用过caffe2,求助caffe2中层替换的问题 白开水水水 2018-5-17 23577 j200681106 2021-7-28 10:16
[求助] 求书:digital image processing 4th edition,冈萨雷斯 cmosa 2018-4-13 99105 hchen0730 2021-6-8 15:01
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Automotive Systems and Software Engineering,State of the Art and Future Trends】 attach_img free2bird 2021-4-26 03756 free2bird 2021-4-26 14:30
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Automotive Software Architectures An Introduction】 attach_img free2bird 2021-4-26 03512 free2bird 2021-4-26 14:28
[资料] 面向机器智能的TensorFlow实践 attachment  ...23456 tamtamchien 2018-7-4 5722592 jfeta 2021-4-24 14:19
[资料] 人工智能时代:10年之后我们还能干什么 attach_img  ...2345 jackzhang 2017-7-11 4623721 ppolw 2021-4-14 14:13
[资料] 零基础入门CV实践教程 attachment 220194952 2020-5-24 42688 james816 2021-4-10 06:39
[原创] cameraLink RX接收卡加速方案 attach_img wxwangyan 2021-3-1 02927 wxwangyan 2021-3-1 22:17
[资料] 高盛人工智能报告_中文版 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 187479 csuyc 2021-2-17 21:04
[资料] 人工智能标准化白皮书_2018版 attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 23851 amin2008 2021-2-13 19:27
[资料] Springer 2017 英文版--Pro Deep Learning with TensorFlow attachment  ...23456..9 liuyiwen 2018-4-24 8731991 amin2008 2021-2-13 19:17
[资料] 笨办法学 Python attachment 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 53630 ICT初级选手 2021-2-11 17:46
[资料] Deep Learning for Vision attachment  ...23456..12 magmaqk 2017-5-16 11528075 AlexKe 2021-2-8 20:26
[资料] Machine Learning in Action attachment  ...23 ID2007 2018-3-27 267835 colorstone 2021-2-5 17:09
[资料] Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python (Albert Sweigart) attachment  ...2 gaoxianwei 2018-3-30 165914 fubufu555 2021-2-5 10:40
[资料] Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Second Edition attachment  ...23456..12 spwedasd 2017-4-18 11728933 fubufu555 2021-2-5 10:31
[资料] Python Algorithm attachment  ...2 spark.zhao 2020-10-4 104322 digicomm 2021-2-2 20:25
[原创] Computer Vision, Fifth Edition: Principles, Algorithms, Applications, Learning attachment  ...23456..8 castlerock 2018-4-29 7727165 fubufu555 2021-2-2 18:25
[原创] 发一本略相关的书《OpenCV 3计算机视觉 Python语言实现(第二版)》 attach_img  ...23456 williamseu1984 2018-3-12 5917073 liancy007 2021-1-29 22:24
[资料] 高质量程序设计指南_C++_C语言_第三版 attachment 220194952 2020-5-24 83090 soldierwuhan 2021-1-21 11:22
[资料] 机器学习-sklearn多元线性回归 新人帖 attachment Train丶 2021-1-20 01924 Train丶 2021-1-20 20:43
悬赏 [求助] 有没有算法大神,检测人眼在一幅图像中的准确坐标,应该用哪类算法? - [悬赏 50 信元资产] fzfh1219 2021-1-18 22432 niuniu4 2021-1-19 13:07
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