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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 7 |主题: 593|排名: 199 

版主: spwedasd
[资料] NVIDIA TESLA V100 GPU ARCHITECTURE attachment  ...23 totuwei 2019-11-6 2110011 amigo.change 2024-6-21 18:18
[资料] 陆奇深圳演讲(2023年4月23日)-真正完整版 attachment P_duan 2024-2-17 91303 warewise6836 2024-6-8 21:56
[原创] Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach , Fourth Edition (2021) attach_img castlerock 2024-1-30 82325 xbboy 2024-6-7 10:43
[资料] VR,AR,虚拟现实,增强现实,混合现实的一些资料(Springer,Wiley) attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-3-19 137266 haoxchao828 2024-5-30 11:04
[资料] 资料分享:(3rd Edition) Simon O. Haykin-Neural Networks and Learning Machines-Prentice Hall (2008) 新人帖 attachment  ...2 lingzhoujiu 2019-4-26 185303 leozh 2024-5-30 09:41
[资料] Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction attachment  ...23 liuyiwen 2018-4-19 237328 haoxchao828 2024-5-29 22:09
[原创] 300多个原创人工智能完整设计(文档,电路,代码),持续更新中。。。。 attachment  ...23456 m1581096 2018-4-18 5437077 haoxchao828 2024-5-29 18:39
[资料] 《精通特征工程》pdf attachment lans0625 2023-11-30 31120 haoxchao828 2024-5-29 18:31
[资料] Artificial Intelligence for 6G @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 182682 haoxchao828 2024-5-29 17:28
[资料] python学习资料 新人帖 attachment  ...2 Atara.Jiang 2023-10-27 131752 tom0626 2024-5-29 09:24
[原创] 目标识别 Amaple 2024-5-16 0486 Amaple 2024-5-16 20:07
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Scheduling Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-4-20 2015860 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:33
[求助] 求论文PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator attachment agree 固执的寻觅 2019-9-8 65980 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:32
[资料] Research Infrastructures for Hardware Accelerators原版书 attachment  ...23 totuwei 2021-12-8 246501 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:27
[原创] 机器学习和硬件-HotChips大会2023 juhuapaul 2023-10-9 31170 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:23
[原创] Seeking BOOK: Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks 2020 (Vivienne Sze) M&C Publication 新人帖 attachment  ...2 mznonnt 2020-6-26 1410577 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:21
[资料] Principles of Transactional Memory (Synthesis Lectures on Distributed Computing Theory) attachment hadd 2020-10-13 72968 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:15
[原创] 机器学习,深度学习,人工智能,springer出的一些书 attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-2-5 167667 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:12
[求助] 求High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing一书 attachment  ...2 guo@hust 2023-3-12 192797 abc_def_ghi 2024-5-12 21:07
[资料] Python基础教程(第3版) attachment  ...2345 royct 2018-8-17 4412032 VicWang 2024-5-6 16:40
[资料] 不是经典不推荐-《Python+Cookbook》第三版中文v3.0.0 attachment  ...23456..14 angle963 2018-4-15 13080006 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:39
[资料] python基础教程(第三版),分享这本新书 attachment  ...23456..19 deng1205 2018-4-11 18181675 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:38
[求助] 求书 Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn solaris 2024-4-28 0542 solaris 2024-4-28 07:09
[资料] MC出版社《Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems》第二版 attachment m1mc 2023-10-4 61415 zlhrsy 2024-3-31 22:45
[求助] 求Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology一书电子版 attachment guo@hust 2024-3-10 81115 guo@hust 2024-3-25 09:45
[资料] Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning (CS217) ppt attachment  ...2 totuwei 2019-11-4 1814404 digicomm 2024-3-20 08:53
[原创] Machine learning with python attachment  ...23456..11 unlogical 2017-11-18 10835509 tom0626 2024-3-16 10:36
[资料] Machine Learning The Basic @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-20 293420 piao 2024-3-13 23:44
[资料] Math for Machine Learning attachment  ...23 m1mc 2023-10-5 253009 piao 2024-3-13 23:44
[资料] Essential Math for AI @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-20 284383 piao 2024-3-11 03:16
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Handbook of Hardware/Software Codesign】 attachment  ...234 free2bird 2021-3-18 3321093 zlhrsy 2024-3-10 17:51
[其它] 【报告】英伟达NVIDIA-Story Our Body of Work attachment wangchenglong 2024-2-26 1662 Ryggeor 2024-3-5 01:00
[资料] 修練蓋世算法神功的心法秘笈 牛人出的書 請享用~ attachment  ...2 eisbergeisberg 2023-4-9 142308 chen8354 2024-3-4 12:01
[资料] 规划算法LaValle 中文版 attachment  ...2 eisbergeisberg 2022-6-21 111991 myshuixiang 2024-3-3 09:51
[资料] 【报告】生成式人工智能技术的产业影响 服务安全基本要求 attach_img wangchenglong 2024-2-27 2707 omnik 2024-3-2 20:35
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