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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 4 |主题: 593|排名: 199 

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[资料] Python十分钟入门 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-20 124446 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 18:21
[原创] 图解深度学习 attachment  ...2 takeshineshiro 2021-12-25 134395 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 18:20
[资料] 【文件】发展负责任的生成式人工智能-中文版 attach_img wangchenglong 2024-2-27 5835 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 18:19
[其它] 【案例】生成式人工智能用例汇编,AIGC白皮书 attach_img wangchenglong 2024-2-27 3730 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 18:17
[资料] 【资料】AI专题研究报告算力研究框架 23年6月 attachment wangchenglong 2024-2-5 8862 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:36
[资料] MC出版社《逻辑编程导论》《Introduction to Logical Programming》 新人帖 attachment m1mc 2023-10-4 61191 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:32
[求助] YOLO可以应用于图像处理吗 皖南坤势 2024-3-31 2813 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:30
[资料] 2018预售新书python 深度学习 Deep learning with python,中文原版PDF attachment  ...23456..23 coxswain 2018-8-21 22271995 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:08
[原创] Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision.Springer.2020 attachment  ...23 wuende 2020-5-10 2517661 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:07
[资料] Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 182937 fkdmj2016 2024-7-26 17:04
[资料] GPU高性能编程CUDA实战  ...23456..11 unlogical 2017-11-18 10942423 tom0626 2024-7-25 20:53
[资料] Deep learningforvisualunderstanding:Areview attachment  ...234 ponderboy 2017-9-11 389743 tom0626 2024-7-25 20:52
[原创] 原创+首发: NVDLA sanity case FSDB波形分享 attachment  ...2 atremp 2017-10-18 178508 skysand 2024-7-25 18:42
[其它] 深度学习算法快速入门,原理+训练 新人帖 zhanghui110 2019-3-27 92545 weip218 2024-7-25 17:47
悬赏 [资料] 求书MC出品的《Normalization Techniques in Deep Learning》 - [悬赏 1 信元资产] attachment m1mc 2023-10-4 5891 zhsh94 2024-7-23 07:55
[资料] python计算机视觉 attachment  ...2345 woshinijiadidi 2018-8-19 409960 sutaotao2001 2024-7-21 22:56
[资料] Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning 新人帖 guo@hust 2019-8-8 32073 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 21:23
[资料] 《Python_深度学习实战》中文翻译版 attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-9-10 125646 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 15:28
[资料] Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-20 142410 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 15:21
[资料] Deep learning architectures: a mathematical approach attachment  ...2 zhujb1999 2022-12-26 142453 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 14:36
[资料] 新书尝鲜:bandit algorithms attachment  ...2 goggg 2020-7-2 104515 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 09:12
[资料] 《机器学习Web应用》中文翻译版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-3 126131 fkdmj2016 2024-7-21 08:54
[资料] 《TensorFlowFor Machine Intelligence》英文版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-3 178520 fkdmj2016 2024-7-20 23:17
[资料] 《TensorFlow深度学习》 attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-12-28 195711 fkdmj2016 2024-7-20 23:14
[原创] The Elements of Statistical Learning, 统计学习基础(第2版)(英文) attachment  ...23456 castlerock 2017-11-27 5119165 fkdmj2016 2024-7-20 23:12
[资料] Python+OpenCV图像编程处理视频教程 attach_img  ...2 shejidedao 2020-10-22 146766 nightelf_zl 2024-7-20 21:54
[其它] lvs 脚本 analogg 2024-7-19 0496 analogg 2024-7-19 10:25
[资料] Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Control @2019 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-12-10 112643 jw216 2024-7-16 08:20
[资料] 发一本书 利用Python进行数据分析[OREILLY] attach_img  ...23456..7 williamseu1984 2018-1-15 6528945 nickkao 2024-7-12 16:32
[资料] [2023]人工智能:现代方法(第4版)(精装版) attach_img  ...23456 Twonej 2024-1-31 533489 zhsh94 2024-7-10 07:39
[资料] Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and Image Processing @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-19 203118 odiofan 2024-7-7 19:46
[求助] 【求Morgan & Claypool书籍:Data Orchestration in Deep Learning Accelerators】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-2-26 2316020 im.leo 2024-7-5 20:49
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Automotive Software Architectures An Introduction】 attach_img free2bird 2021-4-26 13911 myshuixiang 2024-6-28 19:20
[其它] 【报告】NVIDIA Corporation Annual Review 2023 attachment wangchenglong 2024-2-26 4844 jw216 2024-6-23 10:56
[资料] MIT 2023年发布的深度学习综述 attachment  ...2 xiaoqie 2023-2-12 183210 cah07 2024-6-21 18:54
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