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电源设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 3253|排名: 35 

[资料] 国半的经典书籍 模拟的艺术-第8部分 堪称LDO原理介绍的经典 attachment  ...23456..9 siuterzstd 2011-1-6 8717113 用键盘画画 2024-9-1 10:56
[资料] 信号与系统(第二版)中文版 【奥本海姆】 attachment  ...23456 qdyr2006 2016-1-15 5116869 communicator 2024-8-30 13:14
[资料] 变压器与电感设计手册(第三版) attachment  ...23456..8 ljdic201 2010-1-6 7219517 品博锦取_2021 2024-8-29 16:19
[原创] SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, attach_img  ...2 xht2013 2024-4-6 111104 smnq0524 2024-8-26 15:37
[资料] 开关电源设计入门与实例解析-沙占友 新人帖 attachment  ...2 qhzhang9986 2024-3-5 141240 品博锦取_2021 2024-8-20 16:33
[资料] IC模拟版图设计-PPT attachment  ...23456..15 water1126 2016-11-15 14036662 anhuijxa 2024-8-20 15:46
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[原创] Power Electronic Converters Modeling and Control_ with Case attachment  ...2 xht2013 2024-4-4 13900 wc_buaa 2024-8-17 17:14
[原创] Pulse-width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23456..14 Jason.tschen 2016-1-25 13229986 cdting 2024-8-17 09:42
[资料] Power Electronics Tutorial Exercises @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-10-24 132372 cdting 2024-8-17 05:28
[资料] 好书!Digital Control of High-Frequency Switched-Mode Power Converters attachment  ...23456..12 oldhr 2015-11-18 11533748 cdting 2024-8-17 05:28
[资料] Basics_of_MOSFETs attachment  ...23 dummy_tony 2011-7-30 255547 cdting 2024-8-17 05:21
[资料] Simulation of Power Electronics Circuits with MATLAB Simulink® Design, Analyze, and Prototype Power Electronics @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-10-24 223503 cdting 2024-8-17 05:20
[资料] MEMS Design Lectures attachment  ...2 sinowarrior 2016-1-26 102094 cdting 2024-8-17 04:47
[资料] Pulse Width Modulation in Power Electronics @2021 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-10-23 272992 cdting 2024-8-17 04:42
[求助] 寻Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design 3rd edition………… attach_img  ...23456..12 yipin_xu 2010-5-27 11335749 cdting 2024-8-17 02:41
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[原创] TL431设计使用 attachment fengxiao2011 2024-8-14 1972 everny 2024-8-15 08:53
[资料] 开关电源TL431环路控制应用详解 attachment fengxiao2011 2024-8-14 1625 everny 2024-8-15 08:50
[资料] 连续模式反激变压器设计 attachment fengxiao2011 2024-8-14 3335 everny 2024-8-15 08:48
[原创] BCD部分资料 attachment gratwo 2024-8-14 5457 gratwo 2024-8-14 15:34
[资料] 变压器与电感器设计手册 第4版 attachment  ...23456..8 329879762 2019-4-29 7315156 品博锦取_2021 2024-8-13 15:44
[资料] POWER MOSFET工程师设计指南 attachment  ...23456 091120057 2020-12-20 5411155 xuleiwx1 2024-8-13 08:50
[资料] Transformers and Inductors for Power Electronics: Theory, Design and Applications 新人帖 attach_img  ...23 xushicaisc 2021-4-21 214396 xuleiwx1 2024-8-13 08:27
[资料] 《实用开关电源技术》 attachment 329879762 2021-9-2 52406 xuleiwx1 2024-8-13 08:06
[资料] 无线通信中的微波谐振器与滤波器 - [阅读权限 2]attachment kalwinlue000 2014-9-10 9105 lzzeng 2024-8-11 08:13
[资料] 《开关变换器的实用仿真与测试技术》pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-9-17 163729 lzzeng 2024-8-11 08:09
[资料] Transformer Engineering attachment  ...234 weiqun2008 2011-3-15 339960 flyskyseu 2024-8-9 16:13
[资料] Fundamentals Of Power Electronics 2 新人帖 attach_img  ...2 xiao1995620 2021-4-12 103325 igolaps 2024-8-6 20:09
[资料] [Tim_Williams]_EMC_for_Product_Designers,_Third_Ed - [阅读权限 30]attachment ysyanda 2016-7-19 998 xuleiwx1 2024-8-6 08:27
开关电源的原理与设计(第一版)—— 张占松 蔡宣三 attachment  ...23456..21 cocoa623 2008-10-16 20636281 鹅鹅ee 2024-8-2 23:45
[资料] Principles of power electronics attachment  ...234 pigge 2015-6-6 338138 2024-8-2 16:30
[原创] 最新开关电源设计程序与步骤 attachment StanLee2022 2020-7-12 62279 品博锦取_2021 2024-8-2 15:34
[原创] 《电子变压器设计手册》PDF书籍 下载 attachment  ...23 shenlh002 2010-7-30 267616 品博锦取_2021 2024-8-2 15:29
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