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The objective of the First and Second Editions was to serve as a textbook for introductory power electronics courses where the fundamentals of power electronics are defined, rigorously pre- sented, and treated in sufficient depth so that students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to design practical power electronic systems. An additional goal was to contribute as a reference book for engineers who practice power electronics design, and for students who want to develop their knowledge of the area beyond the level of introductory courses. In this Third Edition, the basic objectives and philosophy of the earlier editions have not been changed. Since we wrote the Second Edition, the field of power electronics has grown tremen- dously, including new significant commercial applications such as electric vehicles, wireless power transfer, and utility microgrids. Technical growth includes the commercialization of wide bandgap power semiconductors, widespread digital control of switching converters, and matu- ration of converter modeling. Our university power electronics curriculum has evolved as well, in content as well as in organization. This edition is a response to these changes, and represents a significant revision relative to the previous edition.