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电源设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 3256|排名: 7 

[求助] 找書:Digitally Enhanced Mixed Signal Systems attach_img Capricorn0115 2020-7-29 52491 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:31
magnetic design of switch power supply liushuixiang 2009-3-21 63761 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:30
[第一帖]Power Distribution Network Design Methodologies .Istvan Novak attachment  ...23456..30 drjiachen 2008-10-13 29152906 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:28
[转贴] Analysis and design of single phase power factor correct attachment  ...2 wongdy 2018-4-24 104174 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:26
[资料] Wireless power transfer - system description, interface definition.. attachment  ...234 Lsheng123 2013-6-20 399557 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:26
[资料] 图灵电子与电气工程丛书@开关电源故障诊断与排除 新人帖 attachment huazai1995 2021-5-10 52222 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:25
[资料] IGBT应用 新人帖 attachment zww123456 2022-10-31 11030 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:17
[转贴] Loop Gain Measurement of Paralleled DC-DC converters attachment  ...2 s6310339 2012-11-24 144582 就一小白523 2022-10-31 18:02
Switchmode_Power_Supply_Simulation_With_PSpice_and_SPICE_3 attachment  ...23456 platino 2009-9-11 5413525 就一小白523 2022-10-31 17:59
经典-Practical Switching Power Supply Design-pdf版本 attachment  ...23456..17 lishyg 2009-4-1 16627470 就一小白523 2022-10-31 17:57
好书推荐Power Electronics And Motor Drives: Advances and Trends attachment  ...23456..15 lsdavid 2009-3-18 14326596 就一小白523 2022-10-31 17:54
国外原版开关电源设计经典-switching power supply design attachment  ...23456..16 meixin2009 2009-6-16 15732833 就一小白523 2022-10-31 17:07
[原创] Power_Electronics_Hart_2010 attach_img  ...234 h11ws6mc0oo 2013-9-11 3310111 就一小白523 2022-10-31 16:59
[资料] 《开关电源Spice仿真与实际设计》英文版.pdf attachment  ...23456..15 guogongshao 2010-3-15 14528000 就一小白523 2022-10-31 16:58
[资料] Lateral Power Transistors in Integrated Circuits attach_img  ...23 andy2000a 2015-5-5 206203 iWeiguo 2022-10-31 16:52
[资料] 回授補償控制模式與原理分析-台灣成功大學林瑞禮教授授課講義 attachment t587042051 2021-8-24 32081 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:39
[资料] 开关电源重量级参考书【美】Ron Lenk attachment  ...23456..7 123166291 2015-1-25 6617055 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:38
[资料] 开关电源设计过程中主要元件选择指南 attachment  ...2345 泠风孤云 2010-12-9 4110586 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:36
[资料] 开关电源仿真与设计实例 中文版 attach_img  ...234 海仰望着天 2013-6-15 339149 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:29
[原创] Power Transformers Principles and Application 英文原版 attachment  ...23456..9 flywing 2009-12-20 8120756 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:28
[资料] Demystifying Switching Power Supplies attachment  ...2345 weiqun2008 2011-3-15 4418953 就一小白523 2022-10-31 13:33
[资料] Fundamentals of Powr Electronics with Matlab attachment  ...234 qhl0222_cn 2010-7-22 327371 就一小白523 2022-10-31 10:39
Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Third Edition attachment  ...23456..14 wqd4488 2009-4-25 13824662 就一小白523 2022-10-29 20:06
[资料] Characterization of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices by Fei (Fred) Wang attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2018-10-2 227347 就一小白523 2022-10-28 16:40
[资料] 自动控制原理与设计 attachment 夫贝克 2022-4-13 32093 就一小白523 2022-10-28 16:36
[原创] Particular Derivation of Small Signal Model of DC-DC attach_img  ...2 工大葫芦娃 2013-8-11 125287 就一小白523 2022-10-28 16:04
[资料] Power Electronics Handbook, 3rd Edition by Muhammad Rashid attachment  ...23456 flingcloud 2013-10-22 5819311 就一小白523 2022-10-28 15:16
悬赏 [求助] 求书 - Principles of Power Electronics 最新高清版电子书 - [悬赏 300 信元资产] ysyanda 2022-4-25 62313 就一小白523 2022-10-28 15:00
[资料] CX7509+CX7538+CX2916C 18W PD充电器方案 新人帖 attach_img zzl8806259548 2020-3-4 44463 就一小白523 2022-10-28 13:17
70W 适配器设计实例 attachment  ...2 dfadsasdsf11dfa 2009-5-31 194969 就一小白523 2022-10-28 11:21
[资料] 开关电源PCB 排版基本要点 attachment  ...2345 lurenyi 2010-3-14 438898 就一小白523 2022-10-28 11:09
[原创] 美國伊利諾大學 power converter教學資料 attachment  ...23456 alexenun 2010-5-21 5113929 就一小白523 2022-10-28 11:06
[原创] PCB Layout for Switchers-NS attachment  ...2 fhjltwhw 2011-4-8 144903 就一小白523 2022-10-28 10:35
[资料] Bidirectional DC–DC Converter attachment feihe 2014-5-29 22062 就一小白523 2022-10-28 10:02
[资料] Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Smart Power Systems attachment  ...2 Capricorn0115 2016-6-11 134466 就一小白523 2022-10-28 09:39
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