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电源设计资料 今日: 2 |主题: 3253|排名: 35 

【好书推荐】最新开关电源设计程序与步骤 attachment  ...23456..17 qingyuxuan 2009-5-29 16538136 就一小白523 2022-11-3 18:02
[资料] AC-DC中TL431与光耦的补偿分析 attachment  ...2 zc3521685 2013-5-8 177615 就一小白523 2022-11-3 17:34
好书-Power Supply Cookbook-第2版-PDF版 attachment  ...234 lishyg 2009-4-1 308057 就一小白523 2022-11-3 17:07
[资料] LLC-杨波博士论文 attachment ericwong113 2012-2-20 84517 就一小白523 2022-11-3 16:11
[资料] 锂电池充放电技术资料 attachment  ...2 zhupinchao 2020-3-14 164832 就一小白523 2022-11-3 15:48
[资料] PhD.基于超电容器的可再生能源的储存和控制电力驱动的功率因数校正装置Petar J_ Grbovic attachment ysyanda 2022-3-28 31702 就一小白523 2022-11-3 14:21
[资料] 实用电子电路设计电路图和原理图设计 attachment 329879762 2018-12-6 42979 xj0ipk 2022-11-3 13:28
[原创] 开关电源设计(第3版) A I.Pressman 著 attachment  ...2 StanLee2022 2020-7-12 104424 就一小白523 2022-11-3 10:41
[资料] Introduction to Power MOSFET and Their Applications attachment  ...23 Chi_Ho_Wong 2010-1-30 237474 就一小白523 2022-11-3 10:02
麻省理工_电源课程_讲义(更新) attachment digest  ...23456..42 L_S 2009-4-5 41858693 就一小白523 2022-11-3 09:47
[资料] Fundamentals of Power Electronics 超清晰,文本版,两部分(章节1-12,13-20) attachment zhanghanru 2012-6-24 32676 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:52
[资料] practical_switching_power_supply_design_--_by_Marty_brown yanchao 2013-12-7 12054 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:50
[资料] 小型开关电源设计实例(英文很详细) attachment  ...2 fa23456789 2011-8-25 157029 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:49
The benefits of on/off control in flyback power supply attachment  ...234 caoxifeng 2009-10-15 306392 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:40
[求助] 求书 Digital Techniques for EMC in Switching Power Converters attach_img drjiachen 2011-3-22 73187 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:38
some papres about DC/DC converter attachment erictien 2009-9-23 52729 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:37
[资料] 開關電源的原理&設計 attachment eric8187730 2015-10-20 11891 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:35
[求助] 帮下载Designing Control Loops for Linear and Switching Power Supplies这本书  ...2 neverandlove 2013-3-17 115822 就一小白523 2022-11-1 17:33
国外开关电源资料-Demystifying Switching Power Supplies attachment  ...23 meixin2009 2009-6-5 246300 就一小白523 2022-11-1 16:26
IEEE_JNL_2008_A Novel Topology for Photovoltaic DC-DC attachment scliao 2009-4-7 42916 就一小白523 2022-11-1 16:25
[资料] design and evaluation of a very high frequency dc_dc converter attachment yanchao 2013-12-7 52345 就一小白523 2022-11-1 16:24
推荐 Advanced dc-dc converters attachment  ...23 cartouche 2009-8-27 246206 就一小白523 2022-11-1 15:03
wide input voltage DC-DC convertor attachment  ...2 chenzhi850811 2009-12-10 145699 就一小白523 2022-11-1 15:02
IEEE_Analysis of Inductor Current Sharing in Nonisolated and ... attachment  ...2 scliao 2009-4-7 174415 就一小白523 2022-11-1 15:01
[求助] Switching Power Converters: Medium and High Power, Second Edition nasaspace 2018-8-21 23796 就一小白523 2022-11-1 14:51
Principles and Elements of POWER ELECTRONICS attachment  ...23456 michaldl 2009-9-28 5611241 就一小白523 2022-11-1 13:33
[资料] 设计反激式电源的视频教程 attachment  ...2345 lht1021 2010-4-1 4110000 就一小白523 2022-11-1 13:32
[资料] Switching Power Supply Design and Optimization, 2ed, 2014 attachment  ...23456..7 zsh2626 2015-5-6 6316304 就一小白523 2022-11-1 13:19
[求助] 找書:Digitally Enhanced Mixed Signal Systems attach_img Capricorn0115 2020-7-29 52464 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:31
magnetic design of switch power supply liushuixiang 2009-3-21 63717 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:30
[第一帖]Power Distribution Network Design Methodologies .Istvan Novak attachment  ...23456..30 drjiachen 2008-10-13 29152395 就一小白523 2022-11-1 11:28
[转贴] Analysis and design of single phase power factor correct attachment  ...2 wongdy 2018-4-24 104115 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:26
[资料] Wireless power transfer - system description, interface definition.. attachment  ...234 Lsheng123 2013-6-20 399418 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:26
[资料] 图灵电子与电气工程丛书@开关电源故障诊断与排除 新人帖 attachment huazai1995 2021-5-10 52180 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:25
[资料] IGBT应用 新人帖 attachment zww123456 2022-10-31 1986 就一小白523 2022-11-1 09:17
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