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Linux运行在虚拟机下,发行版本Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4(Nahant Update 2),Linux内核版本2.6.9-22.EL,虚拟机空间40G,内存分配1G。虚拟机内只装了DC,没有别的东西。
从师兄那里拷的实验例子,在DC中按照如下顺序操作:setup路径、read设计文件、link design、设置Operating conditions、设置wire load、设置输出Load、设置时钟驱动、创建时钟、设置输入延迟,然后正在框选输出管脚,设置输出延迟时,DC就崩溃了,ERROR信息如下:
design_vision> change_selection [get_s {i2c_master_top sda_padoen_o sda_pad_o sc l_pad_o wb_inta_o wb_ack_o scl_padoen_o {wb_dat_o[7:0]} {wb_dat_o[7]}}]
change_selection -add [get_s {{wb_dat_o[6]} {wb_dat_o[5]} {wb_dat_o[4]} {wb_dat_ o[3]} {wb_dat_o[2]} {wb_dat_o[1]} {wb_dat_o[0]}}]
design_vision> common_shell_exec: clockdialog.cxx:246: bool ClockDialog: rocess SelectedObjectsFromSlctBus(bool): Assertion `flag' failed.
The tool has just encountered a fatal error:
If you encountered this fatal error when using the most recent
Synopsys release, submit this stack trace and a test case that
reproduces the problem to the Synopsys Support Center by using
Enter A Call at http://solvnet.synopsys.com/EnterACall.
* For information about the latest software releases, go to the Synopsys
SolvNet Release Library at http://solvnet.synopsys.com/ReleaseLibrary.
* For information about required Operating System patches, go to
* For instructions for creating, packaging, and sending a test case, go to
Fatal: Internal system error, cannot recover.
Error code=6
Release = 'B-2008.09' Architecture = 'linux' Program = 'dc_shell'
'232411252 232411831 231048951 9410760 9417033 9383345 135263564 135264923 14087 9313 139009669 145187140 145196068 145295418 145296437 145183340 145836088
14584 1877 234655378 234667487 143010253 241875595 235037042 235034618 235168838 13793 3341 241874508 137932537 233978013 137933431 241872498 241872762
241882797 23465 2759 142955922 142946401 145883077 134620136 134606634 9334307'
[longxigen@localhost dc]$
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