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Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-6 22:54:58 | 显示全部楼层
Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems

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Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems

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Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-6 23:01:09 | 显示全部楼层


Introduction 1
1.1 The Crowded Spectrum 1
1.2 Need for High Data Rates 1
1.3 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Systems 6
1.4 Internet Protocol 8
1.4.1 Routing Operations 8
1.4.2 The Transmission Control Protocol 8
1.5 Wireless Internet Protocol 11
References 12
The MIMO Wireless Channel 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Preliminaries 15
2.2.1 Multiantenna Systems 15
2.2.2 Array Gain 15
2.2.3 Diversity Gain 16
2.2.4 Data Pipes 18
2.2.5 Spatial Multiplexing 19
2.2.6 Additional Terms 19
2.3 MIMO System Model 20
2.4 MIMO System Capacity 22
2.5 Channel Unknown to the Transmitter 23
2.6 Channel Known to the Transmitter 24
2.6.1 Water-Pouring Principle 24
2.6.2 Capacity When Channel Is Known to the Transmitter 26
2.7 Deterministic Channels 27
2.7.1 SIMO Channel Capacity 27
2.7.2 MISO Channel Capacity 28
2.8 Random Channels 29
2.8.1 Ergodic Capacity 30
2.8.2 Outage Capacity 31
2.9 Influence of Fading Correlation on MIMO Capacity 32
2.10 Influence of LOS on MIMO Capacity 35
2.11 Influence of XPD on MIMO Capacity 38
2.12 Keyhole Effect: Degenerate Channels 39
2.13 Capacity of Frequency Selective MIMO Channels 42
2.13.1 Channel Unknown to the Transmitter 43
2.13.2 Channel Known to the Transmitter 44
References 45
Channel Propagation, Fading, and Link Budget Analysis 47
3.1 Introduction 47
3.2 Radio Wave Propagation 47
3.2.1 Reflection 47
3.2.2 Diffraction 48
3.2.3 Scattering 48
3.3 Large-Scale Fading or Macroscopic Fading 50
3.3.1 Free-Space Propagation Model 50
3.3.2 Outdoor Propagation Models 53
3.4 Small-Scale Fading 57
3.4.1 Microscopic Fading 58
3.5 Microscopic Fading Measurements 65
3.5.1 Direct Pulse Measurements 66
3.5.2 Spread-Spectrum Sliding Correlator Channel Sounding 66
3.5.3 Frequency Domain Channel Sounding 68
3.6 Antenna Diversity 69
3.6.1 Diversity Combining Methods 69
3.6.2 MIMO Channels 73
References 73
Space-Time Block Coding 75
4.1 Introduction 75
4.2 Delay Diversity Scheme 75
4.3 Alamouti Space-Time Code 76
4.3.1 Maximum Likelihood Decoding 78
4.3.2 Maximum Ratio Combining 78
4.3.3 Transmit Diversity 79
4.3.4 Summary of Alamouti’s Scheme 80
4.4 Space-Time Block Codes 80
4.4.1 STBC for Real Signal Constellations 82
4.4.2 STBC for Complex Signal Constellations 84
4.5 Decoding of STBC 86
4.6 Simulation Results 88
4.7 Imperfect Channel Estimation: A Performance Analysis 92
4.7.1 Least Squares Estimation 93
4.7.2 Minimum Mean Squares Estimation 94
4.7.3 Channel Estimation Algorithm Using the FFT Method 95
4.8 Effect of Antenna Correlation on Performance 97
4.9 Dominant Eigenmode Transmission 98
4.10 Capacity of OSTBC Channels 100
4.11 Simulation Exercises 101
References 101
Space-Time Trellis Codes 103
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Space-Time Coded Systems 103
5.3 Space-Time Code Word Design Criteria 105
5.4 Design of Space-Time Trellis Codes on Slow Fading Channels 107
5.4.1 Error Probability on Slow Fading Channels 107
5.4.2 Design Criteria for Slow Rayleigh Fading STTCs 109
5.4.3 Encoding/Decoding of STTCs for Quasi-Static Flat Fading
Channels 113
5.4.4 Code Construction for Quasi-Static Flat Fading Channels 116
5.4.5 Example Using 4-PSK 117
5.5 Design of Space-Time Trellis Codes on Fast Fading Channels 121
5.5.1 Error Probability on Fast Fading Channels 121
5.6 Performance Analysis in a Slow Fading Channel 126
5.7 Performance Analysis in a Fast Fading Channel 128
5.8 The Effect of Imperfect Channel Estimation on Code Performance 128
5.9 Effect of Antenna Correlation on Performance 130
5.10 Delay Diversity as an STTC 130
5.11 Comparison of STBC and STTC 131
5.12 Simulation Exercises 134
References 135
Layered Space-Time Codes 137
6.1 Introduction 137
6.2 LST Transmitters: Types of Encoding 137
6.2.1 Horizontal Encoding 137
6.2.2 Vertical Encoding 144
6.3 Layered Space-Time Coding: Design Criteria 148
6.3.1 Performance Analysis of an HLST System 149
6.3.2 Performance Analysis of a DLST System 152
6.3.3 Code Design Criteria 154
6.4 LST Receivers 157
6.4.1 ML Receiver 157
6.4.2 Zero-Forcing Receiver 157
6.4.3 MMSE Receiver 158
6.4.4 Successive Cancellation Receiver 158
6.4.5 Zero Forcing V-BLAST Receiver 159
6.4.6 MMSE V-BLAST Receiver 159
6.4.7 Simulation Results 160
6.4.8 Receivers for HLST and DLST Systems 161
6.5 Iterative Receivers 161
6.6 The Effect of Imperfect Channel Estimation on Code Performance 162
6.7 Effect of Antenna Correlation on Performance 162
6.8 Diversity Performance of SM Receivers 162
6.9 Summary 163
6.10 Simulation Exercises 164
References 164
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 165
7.1 Introduction 165
7.2 Basic Principles 165
7.2.1 Data Transmission over Multipath Channels 165
7.2.2 Single Carrier Approach 165
7.2.3 Multicarrier Approach 167
7.3 OFDM 167
7.4 OFDM Generation 168
7.5 Synchronization Issues 171
7.5.1 Symbol Time and Frequency Carrier Offset Derivation 171
7.6 Survey of Synchronization Techniques 178
7.6.1 Symbol Synchronization 178
7.7 Frequency Offset Estimation 189
7.8 Carrier Synchronization 190
7.8.1 Pilots 191
7.8.2 Cyclic Prefix 191
7.9 Sampling-Frequency Synchronization 191
7.10 Performance Analysis of Synchronization Techniques 192
7.10.1 Symbol Synchronization 192
7.11 ML Estimation of Timing and Frequency Offset 193
7.11.1 The Correlation Algorithm Using the Guard Interval 194
7.12 Carrier Synchronization 195
7.12.1 Pilots 195
7.13 Sampling-Frequency Synchronization 198
7.14 Observations 198
7.15 Suggested Solution to the Synchronization Problem 199
7.16 Channel Estimation 200
7.17 Peak to Average Power Ratio 200
7.17.1 Schemes for Reduction of PAPR 201
7.18 Application to Packet Transmission Systems 206
7.19 Conclusions 206
7.20 Simulation Exercises 207
References 207
IEEE 802.11a Packet Transmission System 209
8.1 Introduction 209
8.2 Background 210
8.3 Wireless LAN Topology 210
8.4 IEEE 802.11 Standard Family 211
8.4.1 802.11 211
8.4.2 802.11b 211
8.4.3 802.11a 212
8.4.4 Others 212
8.5 WLAN Protocol Layer Architecture 212
8.6 Medium Access Control 213
8.6.1 IEEE 802.11 MAC Layer 213
8.7 Physical Layer 215
8.7.1 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum 216
8.7.2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum 216
8.7.3 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and 5-GHz
WLAN Physical Layer 217
8.8 Synchronization and Packet Detection Algorithms 224
8.8.1 Packet Detection 224
8.8.2 Symbol Timing 226
8.8.3 Sampling Clock Frequency Error 227
8.8.4 Carrier Frequency Synchronization 229
8.8.5 Carrier Phase Tracking 232
8.9 Channel Estimation 233
References 234
Space-Time Coding for Broadband Channel 237
9.1 Introduction 237
9.2 Performance of Space-Time Coding on Frequency-Selective Fading
Channels 237
9.3 Space-Time Coding in Wideband OFDM Systems 239
9.4 Capacity of MIMO-OFDM Systems 240
9.4.1 Assumptions 242
9.4.2 Mutual Information 244
9.4.3 Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 246
9.4.4 Influence of Channel and System Parameters on Capacity 247
9.4.5 Simulations 251
9.4.6 Summary 254
9.5 Performance Analysis of MIMO-OFDM Systems 254
9.5.1 Analysis 260
9.6.1 Introduction 260
9.6.2 Overall System Concept 262
9.6.3 Comparison with MC-CDMA 267
9.6.4 Interfacing with MIMO 272
9.7 Simulation Exercises 272
References 272
The Way Ahead 275
10.1 Introduction 275
10.2 MIMO Multiuser 275
10.2.1 Capacity in the Uplink 276
10.3 Linear Dispersion Coding 280
10.3.1 Hassibi and Hochwald Method 281
10.3.2 Method of Heath and Paulraj 288
10.4 Conclusion 292
References 292
Wideband Simulator: Description and Explanatory Notes 295
A.1 Introduction 295
A.2 Files Listing 295
A.3 SISO Mode 297
A.4 SIMO Mode 300
A.5 MISO/MIMO Mode 301
A.6 V-BLAST Mode 302
Reference 303
Narrowband Simulator 305
B.1 Introduction 305
B.2 Description 305
List of Acronyms 307
List of Symbols 311
About the Author 313
Index 315
 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-6 23:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
Artech.House.2004.Space-Time Codes and MIMO Systems

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-6 23:04:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-7 14:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
thx for your kindly sharing
发表于 2008-3-7 14:39:51 | 显示全部楼层
thx a lot
发表于 2008-3-7 14:42:44 | 显示全部楼层
thx a lot
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