LLI access always uses a burst size (arsize or awsize) that is the same as the data bus width and cannot bechanged or programmed to anything other than this. Burst length (awlen or arlen) is chosen based on thedata bus width so that the access does not cross one complete LLI structure of 64 bytes。
DW_axi_dmacfetches the LLI (40 bytes) in one AXI burst, if the burst length is not limited by other setting
LLI描述符存储在sram,例如链表有三个描述符,首地址配置给CHx_LLP寄存器。DW_axi_dmac从CHx_LLP寄存器配置的内存地址读取第一个描述符的40 bytes,然后更新到对应的寄存器执行第一块传输,第一个描述符中的LLP配置了第二个描述符的内存地址,DW_axi_dmac再次从这个地址读第二个描述符的40 bytes,然后更新到对应的寄存器执行第二块传输,以此类推?