
楼主 |
发表于 2025-1-2 22:45:36
用spectre不行,用spectre X或者FX就可以,好奇怪。。。
Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator
Version 64bit -- 7 Sep 2023
Copyright (C) 1989-2023 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders.
Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc.
User: root Host: e16b38247a77 HostID: 11AC0200 PID: 15719
Memory available: 2.0106 GB physical: 4.0914 GB
Linux : CentOS Linux release 7 (Core)
Socket: Processors
System load averages (1min, 5min, 15min) : 38.0 %, 19.0 %, 14.0 %
Simulating `input.scs' on e16b38247a77 at 9:45:06 AM, Thur Jan 2, 2025 (process id: 15719).
Current working directory: /root/simulation/workLib2/test/maestro/results/maestro/ExplorerRun.0/1/workLib2_test_1/netlist
Command line:
/opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/bin/spectre -64 input.scs \
+escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out -format psfxl -raw ../psf \
+errpreset=conservative +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 -env ade \
+diagnose -ahdllibdir \
/root/simulation/workLib2/test/maestro/results/maestro/ExplorerRun.0/sharedData/CDS/ahdl/input.ahdlSimDB \
Licensing Information:
[09:45:06.406977] Configured Lic search path (22.01-s002): /opt/cadence/IC618/share/license/license.dat
Licensing Information:
[09:45:06.062464] Periodic Lic check successful
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libinfineon_sh.so ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_I_sh.so ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_sh.so ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libsparam_sh.so ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libstmodels_sh.so ...
Reading file: /root/simulation/workLib2/test/maestro/results/maestro/ExplorerRun.0/1/workLib2_test_1/netlist/input.scs
Reading file: /opt/cadence/SPECTRE231/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg
Reading file: /home/cadence/PDK/tsmcN65/models/spectre/crn65gplus_2d5_lk_v1d0.scs
Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 954.552 ms, elapsed = 813.682 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.34741 s, elapsed = 813.719 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 171 Mbytes.
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 186.773 ms, elapsed = 106.763 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.53443 s, elapsed = 920.721 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 183 Mbytes.
Notice from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
The value 'psf' specified for the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases. Use 'spectre -h' to see other recommended values for the 'checklimitdest' option.
Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 42.318 ms, elapsed = 22.4369 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.577 s, elapsed = 943.378 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 185 Mbytes.
Warning from spectre during initial setup.
WARNING (SPECTRE-4150): An arithmetic exception occurred during device initializing.
Global user options:
psfversion = 1.4.0
vabstol = 1e-06
iabstol = 1e-12
temp = 27
gmin = 1e-12
rforce = 1
maxnotes = 5
maxwarns = 5
digits = 5
cols = 80
pivrel = 0.001
sensfile = ../psf/sens.output
checklimitdest = psf
save = allpub
reltol = 0.001
tnom = 27
scalem = 1
scale = 1
Scoped user options:
Circuit inventory:
nodes 1
bsim4 1
vsource 1
Analysis and control statement inventory:
dc 1
info 7
Output statements:
.probe 0
.measure 0
save 0
Warning from spectre during initial setup.
WARNING (SPECTRE-4150): An arithmetic exception occurred during device initializing.
Time for parsing: CPU = 140.567 ms, elapsed = 90.322 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.71781 s, elapsed = 1.03394 s.
Peak resident memory used = 192 Mbytes.
Pre-Simulation Summary
DC Analysis `dcOp'
Opening the PSF file ../psf/dcOp.dc ...
Important parameter values:
reltol = 1e-03
abstol(V) = 1 uV
abstol(I) = 1 pA
temp = 27 C
tnom = 27 C
tempeffects = all
gmindc = 1 pS
Warning from spectre during DC analysis `dcOp'.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16941): A floating-point exception occurred during device loading. This might result in convergence problems during simulation. Check the device model for any possible illegal mathematical operations, such as divided by 0 or data overflow, and rerun the simulation.
Trying `homotopy = gmin'.
Warning from spectre during DC analysis `dcOp'.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16941): A floating-point exception occurred during device loading. This might result in convergence problems during simulation. Check the device model for any possible illegal mathematical operations, such as divided by 0 or data overflow, and rerun the simulation.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16941): A floating-point exception occurred during device loading. This might result in convergence problems during simulation. Check the device model for any possible illegal mathematical operations, such as divided by 0 or data overflow, and rerun the simulation.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16941): A floating-point exception occurred during device loading. This might result in convergence problems during simulation. Check the device model for any possible illegal mathematical operations, such as divided by 0 or data overflow, and rerun the simulation.
WARNING (SPECTRE-16941): A floating-point exception occurred during device loading. This might result in convergence problems during simulation. Check the device model for any possible illegal mathematical operations, such as divided by 0 or data overflow, and rerun the simulation.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Trying `homotopy = source'.
Trying `homotopy = dptran'...
Trying `homotopy = ptran'..
Trying `homotopy = arclength'.
None of the instantiated devices support arclength homotopy. Skipping.
Arclength failed after a total of 0 iterations.
Attempting Newton loop with latest solution.
Perform DC simulation with solver optimization
Trying `homotopy = gmin'.
Trying `homotopy = source'.
Trying `homotopy = dptran'...
Trying `homotopy = ptran'..
Trying `homotopy = arclength'.
None of the instantiated devices support arclength homotopy. Skipping.
Arclength failed after a total of 0 iterations.
Attempting Newton loop with latest solution.
Error found by spectre during DC analysis `dcOp'.
ERROR (SPECTRE-16080): Cannot print DC solution because DC did not converge. Resolve the convergence issue and rerun the simulation.
The values for every node on the last Newton iteration are given below. For those nodes that did not converge, the manner in which the convergence criteria were not satisfied is also given.
Failed test: | Value | > RelTol*Ref + AbsTol
Top 4 Residue too large Convergence failure:
V(M1:int_d) = 0 V
residue too large: | 17.881 nA | > 89.4052 pA + 1 pA
V(net3) = 0 V
residue too large: | -17.881 nA | > 89.4052 pA + 1 pA
The following set of suggestions might help you avoid convergence difficulties. After you have a solution, write it to a nodeset file by using the `write' parameter, and read it back in on subsequent simulations by using the `readns' parameter.
1. Evaluate and resolve any notice, warning, or error messages.
2. Perform sanity check on the parameter values by using the parameter range checker (use ``+param param-limits-file'' as a command line argument) and heed any warnings. Print the minimum and maximum parameter value by using `info' analysis. Ensure that the bounds given for instance, model, output, temperature-dependent, and operating-point (if possible) parameters are reasonable.
3. Check the direction of both independent and dependent current sources. Convergence problems might result if current sources are connected such that they force current backward through diodes.
4. Small floating resistors connected to high impedance nodes can cause convergence difficulties. Avoid very small floating resistors, particularly small parasitic resistors in semiconductors. Instead, use voltage sources or iprobes to measure current.
5. If you have an estimate of what the solution should be, use nodeset statements or a nodeset file, and set as many nodes as possible.
6. Use realistic device models. Check all component parameters, particularly nonlinear device model parameters, to ensure that they are reasonable.
7. If simulating a bipolar analog circuit, ensure that the region parameter on all transistors and diodes is set correctly.
8. Loosen tolerances, particularly absolute tolerances like `iabstol' (on options statement). If tolerances are set too tight, they might preclude convergence.
9. Increase the value of gmin (on options statement).
10. Use numeric pivoting in the sparse matrix factorization by setting `pivotdc=yes' (on options statement). Sometimes, it is also necessary to increase the pivot threshold to a value in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 by using `pivrel' (on options statement).
11. Try to simplify the nonlinear component models to avoid regions that might contribute to convergence problems in the model.
12. Divide the circuit into smaller pieces and simulate them individually. However, ensure that the results are close to what they would be if you had simulated the whole circuit. Use the results to generate nodesets for the whole circuit.
13. Check the connections to ground. Convergence problems might result if no connections to ground.
14. If all else fails, replace the DC analysis with a transient analysis and modify all the independent sources to start at zero and ramp to their DC values. Run transient analysis well beyond the time when all the sources have reached their final value (remember that transient analysis is very cheap when none of the signals in the circuit are changing) and write the final point to a nodeset file. To make transient analysis more efficient, set the integration method to backward Euler (`method=euler') and loosen the local truncation error criteria by increasing `lteratio', say to 50. Occasionally, this approach fails or is very slow because the circuit contains an oscillator. Often, for finding the dc solution, the oscillation can be eliminated for by setting the minimum capacitance from each node to ground (`cmin') to a large value.
Maximum value achieved for any signal of each quantity:
DC simulation time: CPU = 108.005 ms, elapsed = 59.212 ms.
Analysis `dcOp' was terminated prematurely due to an error.
Notice from spectre.
99 warnings suppressed.
dcOpInfo: writing operating point information to rawfile.
Opening the PSF file ../psf/dcOpInfo.info ...
Error found by spectre during DC analysis, during info `dcOpInfo'.
ERROR (SPECTRE-16041): The `dcOpInfo' analysis is skipped due to inability to compute operating point. Run 'mmsimpack' (see mmsimpack -h for detailed usage information) to package the netlist and log files as a compressed tar file. Then, contact your Cadence representative or submit a service request via Cadence Online Support, including the tar file and any other information that could help identify the problem.
Analysis `dcOpInfo' was terminated prematurely due to an error.
modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile.
Opening the PSF file ../psf/modelParameter.info ...
element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile.
Opening the PSF file ../psf/element.info ...
outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile.
Opening the PSF file ../psf/outputParameter.info ...
designParamVals: writing netlist parameters to rawfile.
Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/designParamVals.info ...
primitives: writing primitives to rawfile.
Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/primitives.info.primitives ...
subckts: writing subcircuits to rawfile.
Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/subckts.info.subckts ...
Post-Simulation Summary
Analysis Analysis ID CPU (s) Elapsed (s)
1 dc dcOp 1.10e-01 6.13e-02
2 info dcOpInfo 7.66e-03 5.89e-03
3 info modelParameter 3.15e-02 2.02e-02
4 info element 7.06e-03 4.04e-03
5 info outputParameter 2.90e-03 1.53e-03
6 info designParamVals 4.44e-03 3.12e-03
7 info primitives 3.38e-03 2.09e-03
8 info subckts 3.28e-03 1.91e-03
Total 1.70e-01 1.00e-01
Average 2.13e-02 1.25e-02
Elapsed Min info outputParameter 2.90e-03 1.53e-03
Elapsed Max dc dcOp 1.10e-01 6.13e-02
Licensing Information:
Lic Summary:
[09:45:07.418513] Cdslmd servers:/opt/cadence/IC618/share/license/license.dat
[09:45:07.418550] Feature usage summary:
[09:45:07.418564] Virtuoso_Spectre
Aggregate audit (9:45:07 AM, Thur Jan 2, 2025):
Time used: CPU = 2 s, elapsed = 2 s, util. = 100%.
Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 299 ms, percentage of total = 14.9%.
Peak memory used = 202 Mbytes.
Simulation started at: 9:45:06 AM, Thur Jan 2, 2025, ended at: 9:45:07 AM, Thur Jan 2, 2025, with elapsed time (wall clock): 2 s.
spectre completes with 2 errors, 7 warnings, and 3 notices.