device pch_lvt_mac M plvgate_macz pch_lvt_mac ivpcell tsmcN28 D G S B
Failed to find subcircuit: 'qrc_test', specified in the hierarchical cells file. Fix contents of hrcx cells file and restart extraction.
mergevia -V -i -ch -tech \
/data/pdk/tsmc/tsmc28rf/pdk_1p10m_5x2y2r_crn18/QCI/1p10m_5x2y2r/typical \
-gate qrcgate -diffusion qrc_diffusion -cnt tmp_rpplug_tpdiff_ovia \
rpplug_tpdiff_ovia - np_rtpdiff np_rpplug
INFO (LBRCXU-111): Warning /eda/cadence/IC618_310/bin/qrcToDfII exit with bad status
INFO (LBRCXU-112): Warning Status 256
INFO (LBRCXU-113): Warning Quantus execution terminated