There are diffrent typs of mapping files are there eg. gds2out and gds2in, If you are going to export GDS from ICC then you have to use gds2out mapping file
There are two different types of mapping file are avaiable eg. gds2out and gds2in. If you are going to export gds file from ICC then you need to provide gds2out mapping file
There are different types of mapping files are available eg. gds2out and gds2in. If you are going to export gds file from ICC then you have to use gds2out
There are different types of mapping files are available eg. gds2out and gds2in. If you are going to export gds file from ICC then you have to use gds2out
There are different types of mapping files are available eg. gds2out and gds2in. If you are going to export gds file from ICC then you have to use gds2out
There are different types of mapping files are available eg. gds2out and gds2in. If you are going to export gds file from ICC then you have to use gds2out