07/29/2024 11:50:17 (snpslmd) Synopsys Corporate Licensing (SCL) Release: version SCL_2023.09
11:50:43 (snpslmd) zs_module_count_ZS3 zs_module_count_ZS4 zs_PostRunDebug
11:50:43 (snpslmd) zs_Server
11:50:43 (snpslmd)
11:50:43 (snpslmd) Licenses are case sensitive for TE_CATS
11:50:43 (snpslmd)
11:50:43 (snpslmd) EXTERNAL FILTERS are OFF
11:50:43 (lmgrd) snpslmd using TCP-port 59533
11:50:43 (snpslmd) Serving features for the following vendor names:
snpslmd ACAD adalmd anagram arcd atrenta avantd CADABRA chrysalisd cowared doradod EPIC eved extremed fishtail hscd innologd ISE-TCADd knights magma metasoftd mwflexd nassd nsysnvs numeritchd pdld perflmd riod saber_dmn sandwork sclmgrd sftlmd sigmacd SIINT simple snpsOEM1 snslmgrd ssilmd synforad synopsysd synplctyd targetld TAVEREN TE_CATS tmald vastlmd vcsd wlld
07/29/2024 11:50:48 (snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
07/29/2024 11:50:48 (snpslmd) Checking the integrity of the license file...
07/29/2024 11:50:48 (snpslmd) The SSS features are garbled.
07/29/2024 11:50:48 (snpslmd) All revenue keys ("SN=RK:..." on feature line) have been excluded.
07/29/2024 11:50:48 (snpslmd) ------------------------------------------------------------------
11:50:51 (lmgrd) snpslmd exited with status 255 ()
11:50:51 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, license server
11:50:51 (lmgrd) manager (lmgrd) will attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
11:50:51 (lmgrd) REStarted snpslmd (internet tcp_port 38277 pid 5221)
11:50:51 (snpslmd) FlexNet Licensing version v11.19.4.1 build 291070 x64_lsb