发表于 2024-6-14 08:12:29
使用 db_factor()读出比例因子
// Artwork macro
defun demo_res_1(Type, R, w, l, Rsh)
decl ox = 0;
decl oy = 0;
decl context = de_get_current_design_context();
decl touu = db_factor();
decl resLayer = (Type == "res1") ? mesa : nicr;
decl resHeatLayer = (Type == "res1") ? heat_mesa : heat_nicr;
// To support the variable entry for the w needs to be re-calculated
l = demo_res_calc_l(rightstr(Type, 1), R, w, (Type == "res1") ? 250 : 50);
l = round(l*1.0e1)*1.0e-1;
w = w * touu;