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[求助] 求助stb仿真报错,新人小白求助

发表于 2024-5-18 02:28:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator
Version 64bit -- 18 Aug 2021
Copyright (C) 1989-2021 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders.

Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc.

User: meow   Host: meowu   HostID: 9DC57393   PID: 13523
Memory  available: 6.2229 GB  physical: 8.2863 GB
Linux   : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
CPU Type: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz
All processors running at 2304.0 MHz
        Socket: Processors
        0:       0,  1,  2,  3
System load averages (1min, 5min, 15min) : 2.2 %, 0.5 %, 0.2 %
This is a virtual machine

Simulating `input.scs' on meowu at 2:26:13 AM, Sat May 18, 2024 (process id: 13523).
Current working directory: /home/meow/Desktop/simulation/Two-Amp-All/spectre/schematic/netlist
Command line:
    /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/bin/spectre -64 input.scs  \
        +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out +inter=mpsc  \
        +mpssession=spectre2_3540_21 -format psfxl -raw ../psf  \
        +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5
spectre pid = 13523

Licensing Information:
[02:26:13.237425] Configured Lic search path (20.02-p002): /opt/cadence/IC618/share/license/license.dat

Licensing Information:
[02:26:13.334744] Periodic Lic check successful

Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/ ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/ ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/ ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/ ...
Loading /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/ ...
Reading file:  /home/meow/Desktop/simulation/Two-Amp-All/spectre/schematic/netlist/input.scs
Reading file:  /opt/cadence/SPECTRE211/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg
Reading file:  /home/meow/tech/smic_018mmrf-OA/SMIC_018_MMRF/models/spectre/ms018_v1p7_spe.lib
Reading file:  /home/meow/tech/smic_018mmrf-OA/SMIC_018_MMRF/models/spectre/ms018_v1p7_spe.mdl
Reading file:  /home/meow/tech/smic_018mmrf-OA/SMIC_018_MMRF/models/spectre/ms018_v1p7_bjt_spe.mdl
Reading file:  /home/meow/tech/smic_018mmrf-OA/SMIC_018_MMRF/models/spectre/ms018_v1p7_res_spe.mdl
Reading file:  /home/meow/tech/smic_018mmrf-OA/SMIC_018_MMRF/models/spectre/ms018_v1p7_mim_spe.mdl
Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 123.654 ms, elapsed = 326.546 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 162.141 ms, elapsed = 326.55 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 112 Mbytes.

Time for Elaboration: CPU = 29.688 ms, elapsed = 14.0219 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 191.913 ms, elapsed = 340.656 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 119 Mbytes.

Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
    WARNING (SPECTRE-17101): The value 'psf' specified for the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases. Use 'spectre -h' to see other recommended values for the 'checklimitdest' option.

Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 653 us, elapsed = 653.028 us.
Time accumulated: CPU = 192.7 ms, elapsed = 341.442 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 121 Mbytes.

Global user options:
         psfversion = 1.1.0
            vabstol = 1e-06
            iabstol = 1e-12
               temp = 27
               gmin = 1e-12
             rforce = 1
           maxnotes = 5
           maxwarns = 5
             digits = 5
               cols = 80
             pivrel = 0.001
           sensfile = ../psf/sens.output
     checklimitdest = psf
               save = allpub
             reltol = 0.001
               tnom = 27
             scalem = 1
              scale = 1

Scoped user options:

Circuit inventory:
              nodes 18
            bsim3v3 13   
          capacitor 2     
            vsource 9     

Analysis and control statement inventory:
               info 6     
                stb 1     

Output statements:
             .probe 0     
           .measure 0     
               save 0     

Time for parsing: CPU = 6.276 ms, elapsed = 3.06702 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 199.049 ms, elapsed = 344.582 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 123 Mbytes.

Pre-Simulation Summary
Entering remote command mode using MPSC service (spectre, ipi, v0.0, spectre2_3540_21, ).

Error found by spectre.
    ERROR (SPECTRE-16408): The probe parameter must be specified to perform stability analysis.

Analysis `stb' was terminated prematurely due to an error.
modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile.

Opening the PSF file ../psf/ ...
element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile.

Opening the PSF file ../psf/ ...
outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile.

Opening the PSF file ../psf/ ...
designParamVals: writing netlist parameters to rawfile.

Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/ ...
primitives: writing primitives to rawfile.

Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/ ...
subckts: writing subcircuits to rawfile.

Opening the PSFASCII file ../psf/ ...

发表于 2024-5-18 11:30:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zixin1hao 于 2024-5-18 11:31 编辑

要在回路串接一个iprobe, 然后选择它,参考: ... tm_relevant_index=1

 楼主| 发表于 2024-5-18 17:20:22 | 显示全部楼层

zixin1hao 发表于 2024-5-18 11:30
要在回路串接一个iprobe, 然后选择它,参考: ...

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