Processing 6x6 straps
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 396.790 299.790 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 129.650 299.790 131.650) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 129.650 131.650 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (297.790 129.650 299.790 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Error: All the pads of net VSS cannot reach any power port of the leaf cells or blocks. (PNA-060)
Processing 5x5 straps
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 396.790 299.790 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 129.650 299.790 131.650) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (129.650 129.650 131.650 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
Warning: A ring segment at (297.790 129.650 299.790 398.790) is possibly blocked by the nearby existing wire. (PNA-146)
有没有大佬知道 创建完电源环进行sythesize power network 时出现的错 这应该怎么解决呀