请教各位,我在点netlist and run之后CIW报错,terminal输入which spectre没有找到spectre的版本,我的.bashrc里面啥也没有,但是在路径下能找到关于spectre的file,我是需要在.bashrc里面写哪些命令就可以run了
ERROR (ADE-3023): Cannot run simulations because the spectre executable is not found in the specified 'UNIX $PATH' setting.
Perform the following steps to specify the simulator executable path:
1.Download and install the required tool version from http://downloads.cadence.com:
- For analog simulations, download and install MMSIM
- For AMS simulations, download and install INCISIVE
2.After the installation is complete, set the tool installation path in your $PATH as below: