Exceptionally comprehensive treatment of continuous-time and switched capacitor filters ;Covers many practical aspects useful for industrial applications ;Describes state-of-the-art methods, such as using fully differential amplifiers for active RC filters Includes exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce concept
P. V. Ananda Mohan
Pages 1-11
Active RC Filters Using Opamps
P. V. Ananda Mohan
Pages 13-146
OTA-C Filters
P. V. Ananda Mohan
Pages 147-249
Switched Capacitor Filters
P. V. Ananda Mohan
Pages 251-438
Practical Designs of VLSI Analog Filters
P. V. Ananda Mohan
Pages 439-608
Introduction->Active RC Filters Using Opamps->OTA-C Filters->Switched Capacitor Filters->Practical Designs of VLSI Analog Filters